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I Need A Break

After my confrontation with Chase, it took me a while to talk to Katie. I don't know how I will face her in this situation. I know that she have done this before. But I still don't know how to handle this. For the mean time, I kept my distance to her (I'm still mad at what they did).

'Hey babe! Can we hang out today?'. Katie.

I stared at my phone. How dare she? The fact that she still didn't know that I knew her affair with Chase. I'm shaking mad right now. I'm glad that Chase didn't tell her what I knew. Otherwise, she'll try to convince me of her innocence fix this thing up. I'm done with her sh*t.

'I'm sorry. I'm busy'. Me.

'Oh... Okay. Sorry to bother you'. Katie.

I know, I lied. I'm not that busy, I just don't want to see her. She'll just boil my blood to the point I might hurt her. But somehow, I'm gonna see her. To get her side of things. I just need more time to process this.

"How's your confrontation with Chase?". Dad asked.

"I punched him in the face". I replied proudly.

"Oh! Did you got hurt?". He asked.

"No. Just my knuckles. So far nothing's bad". I replied.

"What did he told you?". He asked. He knew that Chase must've told something bad at me because I won't punch Chase without a good reason.

"He told me that he's bored with his life and Katie got bored with me". I replied.

"Whoa! That's harsh. Is that why you punched him?". He asked.

"He told me that he find it challenging to ruin someone else's relationship. That's why I punched him". I replied.

"That's good buddy". He said.

"Thanks dad". I said.

"So... How about Katie?". He asked.

"I still don't know yet". I replied.

"That's okay, I guess. Just take your time to think things through". He said tapping my shoulder.

Days passed by, I still kept distancing myself to Katie (how ironic in today's situation). Still thinking on how to tackle this situation with her. All I know is that, I'm still mad at her and I don't want to fix things with her. I'm ready to throw our long term relationship away.

'Can we talk?'. Me.

'Sure babe!'. Katie.

'I'll come over to your place tomorrow'. Me.

'Okay. See yah ❤'. Katie.

Am I ready for this? It's Katie we're talking about. I can't just punch her like I did with Chase. But I guess I need a good reason on why she did it. Then I'll break up with her. 3 strikes is enough. I don't need a longer list of faults. Her bullsh*t.

"Hey babe. Come in". She said.

I went to her house the next day to talk to her.

"Can we go somewhere else?". I asked.

"Why?". She asks back.

"Youe roomate's here". I replied.

"We can go to my room". She suggests.

"No. Let's just go out". I said.

"Oh... Uhmm... Okay". She said.

We took a walk right in the park where I punched Chase and sat at the very exact same bench.

"This is different". She said.

"Yes it is". I replied.

"So... Now what?". She asked.

"Katie...". I began.

"What babe?". She asked.

"Let's break up". I said.

"What do you mean?". She asked.

"Let's just break up". I replied.

"No. Give me a good reason to break up". She said.

"You give me a good reason not to do this". I replied.

"I don't understand". She said.

"I saw you with Chase the other day... You guys were making out". I revealed.

Her eyes bulged out as I reveal her dirty secret.

"I already talked to Chase. He told me that guys were bored that's why you did it". I explained.

"That's not true... Chase is lying to you". She said.

"Am I really that boring? Am I not truly enough?". I asked.

"No, Jack. See... Chase is just messing with you". She reasoned.

"If you just told me that I'm too boring for yah, I could change that". I said. "But no... You went behind my back and f*ck my best friend". I added.

"Listen to me babe". She began.

"Don't call me babe!". I yelled.

"Jack, please listen to me". She tries.

"If you're gonna convince me with your shit. Don't bother. You'll always be the same slut I met before we start dating". I spat.

She cries in front of me as she continues to convince me. First, some random guy from the pub which was a student in the same university we went to. Then calling my mum a bitch and now cheating with my best friend and others on the list that I didn't remember or maybe over looked because I'm blinded with my love for her. BULLSH*T!!! So much for loving her... So stupid of me!

"Katie, just stop this... We need a clear break". I said.

"Please Jack don't break up with me". She said.

"Believe me it's for the best. You've done enough to hurt me. It's time for me to save myself in this kind of relationship". I replied.

"No... I'll change myself". She said.

"I'm done with this. I'm done with your sh*t". I said as I left her sorry arse behind.


Stay Safe and Stay Happy 😄

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