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More Among Us

While on lockdown, I tried my best to entertain myself but today is different now that ma has ground me. Before, I can come out of the house once I ask for permission (since we're still staying indoors) but now... Even if I'm just going to buys something from the store, no I'm not allowed and she gave me less time to chat with friends especially with Katie and Chase (ma restricts my internet usage). The only time I use the internet is for online classes or Zoom meet with my choir buddies. I just hope she'll end her punishment... Or else I'll find a place to rent and live independently. I think she will hate that idea.

"Jack, baby. Could you come down for a sec". She called.

"Coming ma". I replied. I wanted to sound rude but I can't. I just really can't hate her. Can I?

I went downstairs to the kitchen to fins her baking some cupcakes.

"Can you taste this one?". She said giving me a red velvet cupcake.

I took a bite and well... It's good. Ma's cooking and baking are the best. One of the reasons why I don't ever leave the house (I was just kidding a while back 😂).

"What can you say?". She asked.

"Uh... Uhm... It's good". I replied.

"Anything else?". She asked.

"Ma, this cupcakes are the best!!". I exclaimed.

She smiled and get back to the other batch she's working on.

"Anything else you needed ma?". I asked. Since I got a lot of homework from school to work on.

"You can use the internet freely". She said.

"What?". I asked.

"I said, you can use the internet freely". She repeated.

"Can I play games now?". I asked.

"Yes. And chat with Katie and Chase all day". She replied.

"Thanks ma". I said.

"But you're still not allowed to go out. Except when you have church services". She said.

"Okay ma". I replied smiling from ear to ear. At least I can contact my friends and Katie. Better than nothing.

I went back to my room and opened my computer. I need to tell Katie this good news. But I still can't go out which is sad 😞😞😞.

'Hi babe'. Me.

'Hey'. Katie

'Ma said I can use the internet freely'. Me.

'That's good. We can now chat and video call for as long as we want'. Katie.

'Yep. I miss you babe'. Me.

'Come see me then'. Katie.

'About that...'. Me.

'What?'. Katie.

'I'm still not allowed to go out'. Me.

'Really... Your bitch mum still didn't allow you to go out?'. Katie.

'Hey... That's below the belt'. Me.

'Well your mum's a real bitch'. Katie.

'No. Take that back!'. Me.

'I'm not taking that back'. Katie.

'My ma means well. She's not a bitch'. Me.

'Well for me, she's a bitch'. Katie.

That's it... I shut my computer down and tried to cool down. Nobody calls my ma a bitch. That stupid idiotic slut... OMG... Jack you're just mad at her... Get on your senses... Just cool it man...

While trying to calm down. I open my phone and play Among Us.

My game's server is in Europe. Better change it to a different server. I wanna meet more people with different cultures. So I put my server in Asia.

After hours of gaming and meeting Asians... I rest for while... Bet people think I enjoy it... Nope... Some players are toxic, but not all... (Not all Asians though). Some are still nice. I need to transfer in a different server. But right now, I will rest my eyes. It's already burning and I have online class later on.

After resting and attending my online clads, I chat my cousins if we could play some Fortnite. We did play and use different mods and I enjoyed that. Forgetting the fact that me and Katie fought for calling ma a bitch.

After playing Fortnite, my cousins went offline and I'm left alone. So went back to my phone and played another round of Among Us (like I said. I enjoy the game so much). I set my server to North America.

There, a simple lobby caught my eye... It's name is Peter something (I really don't remember). I enter the lobby and got welcome like we're all best of friends.

I played with them for hours and I have to admit, these guys were good. I laugh in our chat while trying to capture the Impostor. I really enjoy playing with them. Which is my purpose on playing the game.

When it's time for me to leave, they literally tried to stop me. But I still need to leave the game since I have a lot of chores to do. So I simply told them that I can stay for another 15 minutes then I'll leave. They're happy about that. At least they get to play with me in a little time.

After 15 minutes of a game, I bid them goodbye hoping to get another chance to play with them. But on a serious note... I really forgot my problems with Katie calling my mum a bitch... At some point I'll talk to her about it. Maybe just not now.

Stay safe and stay happy 😄

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