Chapter 1

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12 years ago.

The 8 year old's little feet were covered in a layer of sand that flaked off as she swung them. She liked this bench by the ocean because she can swing her feet like this.

"Kaia, how was school?"

She turned to see her father approaching her. She looked down at her feet as he sat next to her and leaned into the back of the wooden bench.

"It was fine" she mumbled as she played with the grains of sand on the bench. She was careful not to rub her fingers the wrong way so she wouldn't get a splinter like last time.

"I know it wasn't fine. Tell me what is wrong, Kaia."

She sighed. "Benny threw my whale into the ocean" she huffed out. She used to carry her stuff whale everywhere. Benny decided that she needed to grow up and sent him flying intro the waters. Benny was the school bully who targeted Kaia the most.

"What did you do after he threw him in?"

"I tried to get him back but Benny wouldn't let me. Eventually, my whale went under the docks. Guess the crabs have a new toy and I don't."

"I'll get you a new one."

"That's okay. If I do, he might just do it again."

Her dad looked out at the waves. He didn't know how to make it better so he changed the subject.

"Do you want to go sailing with me again? It's been a while."

Kaia's eyes light up. "Really?"

"Of course! And maybe this time I'll even teach you to be a captain."

Kaia had always wanted to be a captain like her dad. She marveled at her father's hat and dreamed of being the boss of the waves like him. "Yes! Oh, yes!" Kaia jumped off the bench and starts bounding in the balls of her feet. She had completely forgotten about her stuffed whale.

"Sit down, silly. Let me give you your first lesson as a captain."

Kaia eagerly sat on the bench and leaned into her dad.

"When you are a captain, it is your job to notes only sail the sea but take care of it. Don't let your trash fall in and if it does, grab it."

"Ms. Hail told me about this. She said it was bad for everyone."

"She is very right. If we don't take care of the sea then it will get mad at us."

Kaia thought on this. If the sea gets mad, will it be like that monster in her closet? The monster likes to tease her and give her nightmares. If the sea is like that then maybe she doesn't want to be a captain. "Oh" she says.

"But the sea isn't all bad. So long as we respect it, it won't get mad. Captains sail the sea and makes the waves submit to them while also being kind to it. If you are a brave and good sailor, then you won't have to worry about angering it."

"I'll be brave, dad. Like you!"

"I sure hope so" her dad laughs.

Kaia will respect the sea like she respects her father. And she will grow to be a brave sailor.

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