Chapter 11

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The next morning, I sail my boat around the line and come to the island again. Looking at the map, I find that I have completed a circle.


I am completely stuck. There is no way I can get out.

I stand up and pull on the sail to get it to turn away from the line. I put my weight on another rope and slow the sail down.

After the ship slows enough, I plop down on the boat and sulk. By now, I am sure Joseph is worried and probably has people searching. I have to get home. I'm the only family he has. I can't imagine how alone he is. He can't lose both his dad and sister within a week.

I go into the cabin and see that the food is almost gone. Maybe half a day left. I have been losing weight and feeling myself become weaker. The only thing that makes me feel better is that I still have a lot of water left for about 5 more days. No more washing dishes with fresh water.

I come back onto the deck and stare out at the sea across the line. If only I can get out there. I can see my freedom but can't get there.

I turn to see Atticus half looking at the sea and half looking at me. He seems like he doesn't want to make eye contact with me.

He has to be able to help me. It's at least worth a try. What if he isn't trapped and can get out. He can help me get home then.

"Um... Atticus?"

He turns his head to me. He looks angry and I quickly realize that it's because of what I called him.

"Sorry. I need help. I have to get home and I want to know..."

"No." I step back as he stands up suddenly. "Anything but that."

I feel my hope shatter. "Please, Atticus. I..."

"Stop calling me that!"

Why is he so angry? Doesn't he realize how desperate I am?

"I have to go! I am about to run out of food and I..."

He laughs. He freaking laughs. "You can't leave because I won't let you."

"What do you mean?" I feel a chill go down my spine.

"You see that line?" He points to it. "I made that. I made that to keep you here."

"Wha... why? Why would you do that?" I can feel my heart collapse into itself.

"Because I don't want you to leave. I can't let you leave no matter what."

"How?" I am at a loss of words.

"Watch me" he demands. He reaches his hand out and a stream of water comes out of the ocean and wraps around his hand. "I can manipulate the ocean and I have been keeping this line here for you to stay."

I don't know what to do. Being shocked by what he did with the water is an understatement. My mind can't comprehend what he did so it decides to focus on something else. My anger. "Don't you see that I need food?"

His face turns to something scary. He looks like a horrible, dangerous person being told no. His eyes change to black.

"I will die out here!"

"You are staying and never leaving. Dead or alive."

That's when he dives into the ocean and leaves me in tears.

A dark cloud covers my mind. Everything that has happened comes crashing down and slams a fist against the walls of my sanity.

My dad is dead. His body in that casket has been haunting my dreams and I feel sick every morning.

My brother and I only have each other and the thought that he might never see me again makes me want to sob.

I am stuck here and am terrified of the creatures that want to kill me. I'm terrified.

Someone who I thought was my friend turns out to be my captor. He won't even acknowledge that I could starve to death in a few days. I'm furious.

All these emotions makes the world turn dark for me. I have been standing on the deck clenching me fists and staring at the place he disappeared into.

I snap. I lose it. I go about the ship and secure any lose ropes while also loosening some for more control.

I run to the motor and use the tool box to work on it. After an hour of curing and slamming my fist on the floor of the boat out of anger, it roars to life. Relief is only brief as I start to notice the dark clouds above me.

I get up to turn the boat in the right direction. It's time for plan B.

I wait for the wind to come with the stormy weather that is hovering over me. When I feel the wind pick up, I open the sails and start the motor.

I know this is stupid. I know that what I am doing is something that could end very badly. But I don't care. I need to get home.

The boat picks up speed and the waves become rough. They start to slow me down but I open more sails and speed up the motor.

Ahead of the boat is a line. A line that has been keeping me trapped for the last few days.

That damn line that I am about to ram.

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