Snippet !

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heres a peek of the new book i was talking about . I'm lowkey excited. 


Braughner's ice blue Chrysler 300 roared to a stop as she pulled up to Southside High. It was barely noon and she was already thinking about what drink she'd make once she got home.

She'd spent the morning organizing another carpool system to the hospital to see Moose and comfort Midge. An almost undetectable pang of guilt lingered in her heart. If she hadn't given Midge, her unparalleled party buddy, the hint on where to get Jingle Jangle from the couple would've never been in this situation in the first place.

Her phone flashed, calling her attention.

beanie boy👑: thanks for listening to me for once

She let out a snort. Jughead had way too much faith in her ability to actually follow what he said, and at this point, it was honestly his own fault. She was fashionably late to almost everything; why he thought that would be different this time, she wasn't sure. What she did know, though, was that his fries were getting cold. She was already defying his wishes, handing over cold food would just enrage the boy even more.

She grabbed her bag and Jug's food. She lowered her glasses as she made her way to the rusty double doors. Once she'd gotten past security she wandered around, following an unspecified path to the cafeteria, and ignoring the lingering gazes of nearly everyone there.

She found Jughead sitting at the table just in front of the hallway entrance she was in.

"Boom. Food," she dropped the bag and shake on the table in front of him. Jughead's eyes went wide as he heard her voice. When he frantically turned his head to her she spoke again. "Holy shit, Jug! You look like, well, me. The fuck happen to your face?" She reached out to rotate his head and get a better look at the obviously fresh red and purple splotches adorning his face.

After quickly swatting away her hand, he stood up with so much momentum his hat almost fell off.

"Braughner! What're you doing? You said you wouldn't come here," he paused to change his tone to a whisper. "It's dangerous."

"I'm dangerous," she slid her off-white puffer jacket to the side just a smidge so he could see the knife tucked inside her belt. The pink-haired girl he'd been sitting next to fell prey to her amusement, letting out a stifled laugh at Jughead's reaction. "Besides, technically I said I wouldn't march here and I drove, so," she finished with a shrug, tucking her arms beneath each other proudly.

Jughead paused, stunned, maybe? Bewilderment was something he felt often around her.

"There are... so many problems," he talked slowly, trying to find the words, "with everything you just said. Like you don't have a license? And how the hell did you even get that thing past the detector?" He pulled the sides of her jacket closer together and took a dodgy look around.

"It was actually the craziest thing; a twenty just, like, fell outta my pocket and he realized he had to tie his shoe." Jughead sighed and dropped his head in something he feels too often to be disappointment. "Oh and my bad, I would've totally brought you guys food too, I just didn't really expect Jughead to have, yknow, friends."

"Okay. I'll remind you why bribing someone is wrong later, but for now, you gotta get outta here," he pushed her shoulders and moved around the chair he was currently stuck between.

"What?" She stopped any advances to move her closer to the exit. "No 'Thank you, Jinx for loving me enough to drive to the other side of town just to bring my hungry ass some lunch, even though your brother's in town and you could totally be hanging out with him right now.'?" She looked at him expectantly.

A deep voice budded in, belonging to the raven-haired boy sitting on the opposite side of the table. "You the girlfriend?"

At that, Braughner took the smallest moment to laugh, "I'd rather be burned alive twice. Jug's great but, as you can see, he's a lotta work."

"Right, he's definitely the stressful one in this little dynamic," he mocked. In response, she let out an obviously fake laugh past her unchanging, unamused expression.

~~ that's all bc I don't wanna put too much of the first chapter out . do we like ? lmk in the comments:) any and all input is welcome


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