Imagine 013 - Sic Love (Sad Eyes) (Sister!Oscar) [requested]

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Requested by: katiekatequeen

hope this was what you pictured 💕

For those of you who don't know, Sad Eyes is Oscars second in command (SIC) (also my play on words in the title : ) 'sick' 'sic' no? okayyyy anywayy)

This was kinda cool to write, considering idk that much about sad eyes, so most of it was improvised.iw was pretty fun. Having it purely based on imagination.


Can yall follow me? Cuz no one sees my conversation updated when I post stuff on there because no one follows me and sometimes it's important stuff

So yeah. Please. Either way I'll still love u tho ♡


Sad Eyes POV

I should've went with her. None of this would've happened if I went to the park with her. If I hadn't let her walk out in the middle of our fight. It was so stupid to let her leave.


"It's not the fact that you didn't do anything with her, Carlos!(Let's pretend that's his name) It's the fact that you entertained it! You let her sit there and think you were into her and flirt with you!"

"But I didn't flirt back!" Carlos shouted in his defense, still stubbornly thinking he was right. But y/n was just as stubborn and wanted to make sure she got her point across to him.

"I know. You've said that multiple times. But you're still not hearing me. You. Didn't. Stop. Her. You just sat there and let her think you didn't have a girl to come home to. It's not an actions things, it's morals. It's respect. You had no business being out with her in the first place knowing what kind of past we had, what kind of past you guys have had," I point a finger at him, my voice getting scarily calm towards the end.

"Look. I wasn't really with her. I was with your hermano. So stop blaming me for cosas that didn't even happen."

I scoff while rolling my eyes so hard they could pop right out of my eyes. "Are you joking? Were you not listening to me that entire time I was talking? Have you forgot about your past or have you just gone stupid? God, sometimes I don't know why I even try with you anymore Carlos!"

In all reality, you didn't know why you said that. You know full well why you tried. It was practically stitched onto your heart. You loved him. You've said it time and time again but your anger just began boiling in you. You couldn't contain it. He wasn't listening and it was irritating you. But you were too blinded by rage to explain that to him. The heat of the moment was too hot. Which explains why he said what he said, too.

"Then why're you still here?!"

You simply shook your head and grabbed your phone and headphones and began leaving.

This would normally be the time when one of you would back down and apologize, or simply agree to disagree, but Carlos sincerely didn't see anything wrong with what he did - or didn't do, rather - but you saw everything wrong with it - even if it wasn't done intentionally.

**flashback over**

"I'm so sorry, mamita. I should've just said sorry. I shouldn't have just let you leave. Please don't go; I love you so, so much," I whispered, placing a kiss on her cheek as a tear slipped from my face to her cold, emotionless countenance.


It happened fast. So fast you didn't even get a chance to see who it was. Because before you knew it, three guys were kicking, punching, and beating you wherever they could manage to hit you.

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