Imagine 06 - Inflicted Envy (Ruby) [requested}

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Requested by 13ReasonsWhyILove

I fiddled with my Jupina can that I was too afraid to open - due to the fact that my stick-on nails could pop off - as I stared at Ruby boyishly giggling with Olivia from the other side of the hall. It nearly made me sick.

I felt a pang of sadness in me but it quickly faded. Two can play at this game, Ruby.

Technically, Ruby and I aren't dating, but we act as though we're spoken for.

I smirked as I sashayed across the faded concrete floor over to Cesar.

"Hey, Cesar, can you open this for me, I don't want them to, you know," I stop to imitate a popping sound.

He giggles as he grabs the can and easily flicks the tab open. Before I could react, he put the drink to his lips and drank about half of the soda, smirking at me.

"Hey, jerk!" I chuckle, lightly tapping his chest.

He childishly stuck his tongue out at me, handing me back the can that I happily drank from. I'd known Cesar for almost two years and he's become like a brother to me so I didn't mind.

I peeked over at Ruby and Olivia, seeing Ruby already looking my way. He immediately jolted his attention back to Olivia.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are, Livia?" I roll my eyes.

"You 'nd Ruby having problems? That's a first," Cesar's eyebrows furrowed.

"We're not having problems, he's just-" I paused to listen in on what Ruby was saying.

"Walk with me to class, princesa?" He serenaded.

He only calls me princesa. I walk towards him and pull him away from Olivia without an explanation.

We turn the corner, being slightly more alone.

"What the heck was that, Ruby?" I whisper-shout.

"I'm afraid I'm not aware of what you're talking about, love," he replied coolly.

"'Walk with me to class princesa'", I mocked him. "I'm your princesa!" I must sound like a raging brat.

"You are my princesa. Forever and always," He looked me in the eyes, creating passionate air around us.

"Then why-"

"Because. You're cute when you're all rattled up. But I went too far with princesa. I mean, I could just make you mine already- I mean only if you-"

I cut him off, pulling his pink lips to mine.

"Ruby, I can't stand you flirting with other girls even if it's fake. I like you a lot and I'd be so happy if I were your girlfriend."

Ruby didn't reply; only pulled me in a breathtaking hug.

Ruby and I eventually went to class, and that was how our relationship set off.

published: 5.25.18


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