Imagine 018- Whore House : Part 4 Latrelle (Brother!Cesar&Oscar)

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lmao the way i just fell off the face of the fucking earth . also can we talk about that ENDING of the show yall ?? kinda a let down . also im writing this while sleep deprived and also i havent like ,, eaten in a while so sry for mistakes

also i kinda wanna do riverdale imagines cuz my heart belongs to sweetpea & fangs . sometimes reggie when he's not bein a dick . but at the same time i barely even update on here sooo ... lmk what yall think . 

also myb for not updatin so much , theres rly no excuse , i just been vibin n gettin high a ton so yea 🥴 also whenever i try to write theres like no motivations or i get super distracted so yea

i fele like my brain deadass dont work as good as it use to so lemme know if this is shit cuz its been like literal months since ive rly used this bitch ( my brain ) anyway here we go 


"No! Are you kidding me? Are you stupid? Why would I have Latrelle's fucking hoodie?" I scoff at him in disbelief. 

"Don't play dumb with me, y/n! You've been acting like you're fucking untouchable lately and this explains why! You're fucking a prophet! You're fucking Latrelle." he seethes, his arms relax, but he's far from calm.

"No, I'm not! I told you, that hoodie's for Christmas. I was gonna get a red one too, but they were all out. I was gonna cut them up and tie them together to decorate the house different from last year. It was gonna be a suprise since you told me how you were tired of the Christmas lights." Has Oscar ever told me he's tired of the lights? Nope- never- but I can make him think that he did and forgot.

" Bulllshit! I never said I was tired of the lights. You're just tryna cover you ass ."

" Yeah , you did . You said that they drew too much attention to the house. That the red lights in my room made it look like a whore house . " 

Cesar decides to finally try and be fucking useful and chime in on the conversation, "She's not wrong . Remember that one guy - greasy ass hair , hightops - came to the door cuz he thought the lights in her room meant ... something else ." Jesus , why was Cesar so nervous about using 'dirty words' all of a sudden ?

"Sex . He thought it meant fucking sex . And if you ask me he got what was coming for him. It's not like Freeridge is on the Cali's Top 10 or something. Anyway I didn't want a repeat of that, you know, if only to spare another tourist's poor soul, so it was gonna be only green lights and the sweaters tied in strings. " I cross my arms and look to Oscar to see if he's buying any of this.

To my suprise, he is . He looks like he's processing everything and trying to fact check it in his head.

He crosses his arms and looks me up and down, walking closer to me, "Look me in my eyes and tell me you're not fucking Latrelle , or any other prophet. I swear to God if you fucking lie to me y/n-"

Since I'd rather not having to both hear and , inevetably , live through my death , I cut him off. "I'm not fucking a prophet; any prophet. The sweaters exactly what I said it was for - Christmas." I try my best to keep the eye contact for as long as I can but I start to get nervous cuz when Oscar gives you a death scare he looks like a really mean bird thats ready to peck your eyes out and I'm terrified of birds, and Oscar.

Fucking finally, after what feels like hours, Oscar backs up, nods his head, throuws the hoodie onto my bed and starts for the door. "Stay the fuck in the house."

"What , no apology ? " I know I'm heavily pushing the limits of how far life will catch my ass but I'm high off the adrenaline of pulling this all off.

Already halfway down the hallway he shouts a cold, "Sorry I thought you were a whore !"

I reply a simple okay with a smile and sit on my bed . I feel my shoulders relax and I can finally fucking breathe again .

Cesar dips his head into the hallway to make sure Oscar's a good distance away I assume, then closes the door behind him. For a while he doesn't say anything,  just looks at the spot on the bed beside me. Maybe he's still angry about before. 

I sigh, having been through enough heated conversations for today. "Cesar, look , I said alot of shit I shouldn't have today but I meant what I said . I do love him and I'm sorry for keeping it a secret for so long but telling you wasn't an easy thing . So if you're just gonna yell at me then can we save it for tomorrow ? I'm fucking exhausted . "

He doesn't say shit . Like for a long ass fucking time he just like , stares at me . Dead in my eyes too . Then, after atleast thirty grueling seconds, a small small cracks his emotionless exterior. 

"You know, for someone who hates apologies you hand em out like std's on Valentines Day." Being the dork he is , he pauses to laugh at his own joke and I join him. Honestly I'm just glad he's speaking to me- and not to tell me that he hates my rotten guts .

As our laughter dies down he moves to sit next to me. 

"I'm sorry too , really . You were right , I don't know anything about you and," he visibly struggles to say Latrelle's name, so he opts for, "him. I shouldn't have all that shit about him using you because I don't know anything about you guys. I was just... confused. And hurt , I guess, cuz you didn't tell me and I had to find out on accident . " His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at his hands.

"Cesar i wasn't lying about telling you. I was seriously gonna say something when you got home today , but when you got here you were so angry and I knew neither of us were gonna like how it went down from there. "

"Yeah, makes sense. But forreal , just be careful with Latrelle . I know you love him but he's still a prophet . Fuck that , he's still a guy. "

I nod and promise to tread lightly .

Huh . All it took was Oscar nearly ripping my head off for us to make up . Honestly two hours is a record . Normally it takes us days to start speaking after a fight and even then it's probably because the crew forced us to order the food for a pizza night or something . Talk about growth man .

"So, we good ? " I put out my fist for him to bump and wiggle it around a bit.

He laughs and agrees , sealing the agreement of replenished friendship with a trustworthy fist bump. 

We sit in silence for a second staring at the wall infront of us.

As always, I disrupt the silence, " So Oscar can never find out , right ?" Cesar protests , obviously.  " Yeah no, that's what I thought , thats what I thought . "

wow look all done and it only took over a year 😍😍✨ 

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