Imagine 05 - Perfect in Sunglasses (Cesar)

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Cesar walked out his front door, looking as normal as ever. Except one thing was different. He had on sunglasses.

I began to wonder why until it hit me. He probably got drunk or high -or both- last night with the gang, which meant he also had a major hangover right now.

As his girlfriend, it's my unofficial duty to be a complete nuisance when the time calls for it. Time is practically shouting in my ear.

"Hey, Cesar! What's up?!" I purposefully shout, Oscar laughing behind the gate, knowingly.

"Not much. But can you talk quieter, babygirl?" He asks politely, carelessly slinging his arm over my shoulders and pulling me to him. Too bad I've never cared about manners.

"What?!" I shout, wearing a face of fake of confusion.

He didn't reply, just simply pulled me in front of him and covered my mouth. Monse, Ruby, and I laughed as Cesar rolled his eyes, obviously catching on to what I was doing.


At lunch, Cesar was going to sit with another group of people, who he knew'd be quieter, but we convinced him to sit with us.

I have the update on my phone that flashes when my phone is called, so I told Monse to call my phone.When I got my phone out of my book bag,  I purposely turned the back to Cesar's face flashing in his eyes.

"Ah! You little-" he cut himself off and groaned. I busted out with laughter, mentally congratulating myself. 


"Cesar, you know I love you, right?" I grinned maniacally.

"I love you too, y/n."  He smiled, leaning down for a kiss. After about two seconds of kissing I yanked off his glasses and ran away, giggling endlessly.

He growled, chasing after me, past our friends and down the street. I could hear them behind me, encouraging me to run.

Soon enough, Cesar caught me and pulled me to him, putting his glasses in their rightful place.

With messy hair, I smiled at him as he looked at me with all the passion he could muster.The love in his eyes penetrated his heavily tinted sunglasses.

"God, you're perfect," he attempted to fix my hair, rubbing it down.

"Nah, really?," I panted, out of breath.

"As perfect as it gets."



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