Imagine 07 - Filthy Food Fight (Cesar) {requested}

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Requested by: @rhyrhy462 . 

"Pleaseeee, babygirl. You know I can't bake. I wanna do something nice for Oscar's birthday. He's done a lot for me," I could practically hear Cesar's smile through the phone. His begging tone rang through the phone, compelling me to help him.

"Alright. You just have'ta be over in 30 or else I'm finding some other way to spend mt Friday night," I threaten, knowing full well I'll end up watching Netflix the entire time.


"Hey," I give Cesar a peck before heading to the kitchen and pulling out everything we need.

"Hey. Thanks again for helping me this late. You're a real lifesaver, love," he smirks. "Seems like you've saved mine a couple'a times."

I playfully roll my eyes, sifting through two cups of flour. "May have been more than a couple," I wink, sprinkling some flour on him.

"Oh, you seriously wanna do this?" He ruffled the flour out of his hair, making it cloud over me. He reached into the plastic bag of powdered sugar, dousing a handful of it over my top half.

I stood in astonishment, my mouth hanging open, before spreading a small bit of store bought frosting on his cheeks and nose.

Taking various amounts of flour, frosting, powdered sugar, and other simple items and throwing them at each other continued for about ten minutes. Once the food fight came to a end, we were covered in head to toe in different powders.


It took us twenty minutes to clean up the kitchen and another two hours to make the cake and frosting and frost it. (that make sense??)

Together, Cesar and I made a chocolate cake with coffee buttercream.

At nine, we called Monse, Ruby, and Jamal to go to Cesar's house and sing happy birthday. Convincing Jamal and Ruby took ages, but we finally did. They figured that Oscar would probably kill them if they didn't come.


"...Happy birthday dear Oscar, happy birthday to you!" We shouted, clapping as he smiled, blowing out his candles. Not everyday you see a 'ruthless' gang member flaunt a full smile.

"Now it's actually legal for you to drink," Cesar teased, chuckling along with his brother.

"Speaking of," Oscar hummed, pulling out a beer for himself, then offering all of us one. We accepted and went back to talking.

Cesar grasped my wrist and pulled me to him,"Thanks for helping me make tonight special for him, y/n. You're the best."

He kissed me passionately, pulled away, and smiled at me, going back to jester some more with his older brother.

I walked back to my group of friends and joined their conversation.

Soon, we went home and I was in my bed looking up at my ceiling.

Tonight was a good night.

Two updates in one day! Hope you enjoyed and this was what you wanted rhyrhy462 !



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