Imagine 017- It Only Takes Ten Minutes: Part 3 (Latrelle)(Brother!Oscar&Cesar)

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deadass why do yall still even fuck w me im a shitty ass writer and ion update . enjoy 

I gotta start locking that damn door.

I let out a shriek, my hear beating at an alarming rate.

I take a breath, it was only Cesar. However, at the sight of me and Latrelle in each others arms, his eyes go wide and he immedietly stops in his tracks. I was puzzled by his reaction- he should be angry- but when he frantically turns around and I hear speaking I understand and also begin panicking.

"The fuck? You good, C?" Oscar. It's fucking Oscar. Of all times. Latrelle scatters to my closet and I straighten out my clothes, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

"U-Um, y/n's not fully dressed; give her a sec," he reaches behind him to slam my door.

He sucks his teeth" She'll live," I assume he tries to reach to open the door because Cesar was quick to protest. (frfr tho this dude better lemme put on some damn clothes if i was naked smh) 

"No! I was gonna s-spare you the mental image but she's on her bed. Y'know, with a, umm," he trails off. It takes everything in me not to start cackling. I decided this is a good time to get Latrelle out. He can leave through the window and just run.

I usher him out the closet and flick my head towards the window. He looks skeptical but nods and creeps to the window. He lowers himself down and pouts his lips up at me.

Is he bein forreal right now? Leave it to this boy to try to kiss me when both of us bouta be dead. I roll my eyes and give him a quick peck. 

"Text me when you get home. Love you," I say as quiet as possible and he simply nods and repeats the words of endearment and takes off running down the street.

"Good God- hurry up and get dressed! We gotta talk," There's anger audible in his voice which slightly throws me off.

"Ya, ya, I'm coming! I told you to fucking knock next time!" I ruffle my sheets so it sounds like I'm putting on clothes. I peek out the window and make sure Latrelle is out of seeing distance. I couldn't see him so I shouted for dumb and dumber to come in.

"And I told you to stay the fuck at the house. So why the hell did I see you leave the house earlier?" Oop lmao. He's fuming. Thank God I didn't go off to see Latrelle.

"I went to Monse. She was frazzled so I kept her company for a lil."

Two minutes since this whole encounter started.

"Well why the fuck couldn't you just call her? That's why you got a phone. Don't you realize you got a price on you right now?" He begins to shout.

"Dude can you fucking chill? I was gone for like 30 minutes! Besides I'm fine, I know how to protect myself," I raise my voice, beginning to get ticked off by him. I'm not sme helpless child.

"You were gone for almost two hours. You know how much can happen in two fucking hours," his voice slows and becomes quieter, but he's nowhere near calm. "You know what could happen in thirty minutes? Latrelle can pull up with some of his little buddies and take you. They can do things that I don't even wanna think about to you. Honestly, all it takes is about ten minutes for the shit to hit the fan. Hard. Then before you know it, your entire life is a mess. That shit won't affect just you. It fucks with the people who care about you too. I'll be damned if I let you go like that." The edge to his voice begins to come back and he puts an emphasis on each word to make sure I understand, "So I swear to God, y/n if you don't stay in this house, I will literally tape you to the back of your door myself."

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