Imagine 04 - Silenced Hello's (Ruby)

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I watched Ruby laugh with the rest of the group from the doorway.

I've known Ruby for six years now, and I think it's safe to say I'm absolutely, die-hard, in love with him.

The white lights of Olivia's quince glimmered on my face for a moment, quickly rotating to glimmer on someone else.

I figured, since I'm dressed nice and have more courage than I've had in a while, I'll ask Ruby out. I'm gonna tell him how I feel about him; how much I love and adore him.

Soon, after hours of partying, guests filed out of the house, leaving the six of us to have time to ourselves. 

This is it. It's now or never.

As I walk over to him, no matter how stellar I feel in my dress and makeup, my confidence slipped away from me, like people leaving a party.

He didn't realized I had approached him, so he contiued on with his conversation.

"Olivia, will you be my girlfriend?" I hear Ruby blurt.


They're happy. That's all that matters.

With a saddened face and broken heart, I swiftly made my way to the kitchen.

I need to forget, I thought, tears flowing down my face.

I look around at everybody, each sitting with someone. Cesar and Monse. Jamal and Abuela. Olivia and Ruby.

As I began downing my second bottle of beer, Cesar walked to me looking distraught at my state.

Cesar and Monse were the only two that knew about my crush on Ruby. I didn't tell Jamal because I knew he could only keep a secret for about 12 hours before he had to let it out.

"I'm taking it things didn't go so well?" He questioned tenderly.

Finishing the bottle, I vigorously shake my head before grabbing another one, giving myself a minor headache.

Cesar stood next to me for a few minutes, watching everybody, as I kept downing bottles.

"Hey, Y/n, you needa slow down," he yanked my seventh beer away from me.

"H-HEY! Gimme my stuffff," I drunkenly dragged out the word longer than necessary.

"No. You've have enough."

"I think I'd know when I had enough. I haven't," I fought back.

"Yes. You have. Look, you needa get home. If it makes you feel any better, I'll even ask Ruby to take you home," he smiled, thinking that was going to make everything ok.

"No. I tried'a shoot my shot 'nd it managed to ricochet off the wall and hit me. Soooooo not happening."

"That's the drunk you talking. The y/n I know would try one last time," he guilt tripped.

"Ugh. Fine." I huffed, annoyed. "Stupid Cesar, telling me what to do. He's just a salad. Salads are stupid. Nobody likes diets anyway," I muttered under my breath.

"Heard that," he called.

"G-good. Your ears work are fine!" Amused, he shook his head at my disordered response.

I staggered my way over to Ruby and Olivia, my feet tripping over one another.

"Ruby, do you think you could walk me to my home sweet home?" I childishly ask and trip slightly, almost falling onto the couch

"Sorry, y/n, I'm kinda busy with Liv. Think Cesar could take you?" He turned back to Olivia. He didn't even give me time to respond. Wow.

I swayed as I walked back to Cesar, who was nothing less than shocked and irritated.

"Don't worry. I'll walk you," he seethed as my legs seemed to fall out from under me. I began to collapse from the intensity of how drunk I was, but Cesar wrapped my arms around his torso to support me.

We said our goodbyes and stumbled out the door. The whole walk back to my place, Cesar angrily mumbled about how much of a jerk Ruby was for not walking me home. Especially since I was drunk.

About halfway to my house, a car pulled up to Cesar and I, that belonged to none other than Latrel.

It was quick. At the speed of lightning, a bullet flew, piercing trough my stomach.

My body slams against the floor as I unclasp my arms from around Cesar's waist.

This can't be happening. This can't be it.

Cesar called the police and quickly held me, clamping down onto my wound to try to stop the bleeding that was spreading, darkening my light gray skater dress. 

It wasn't working, though. I knew this would be my last minutes on earth.

Cesar's currently on the phone with my friends, but I can't understand what their saying. Everything is muffled and blurry.

"C-Cesar," I groaned.

"Yeah, y/n, I'm here. You're gonna be okay," he wept.

"I love you guys," I finalize my life. "Tell them for me."

I could hear Ruby shout on the other side of the phone.

"I love you, Ruby," I whispered, relaxing my head on Cesar's chest.

Before my consciousness left me, I could hear Ruby's pleads and shouts on the other side of the phone.

Cesar was desperately trying to get me to hold on but I couldn't; I wish I could, but the pain was spreading almost as quick as blood was pouring out of my veins.

3rd Person 

While your life slipped away from you, the boy you loved flooded with guilt. It was your last night alive and he had turned you down. Twice, technically. He wished it hadn't taken something as traumatic as this for him to come to his senses. Remorse filled him quicker than the bath water that rushed into his lungs. He figured that if you were gone, he was going with you.



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