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"Captain," ship's pilot Zack Renjay said, "there's a message coming in from Alliance command."

"Who's it from?" Captain Yager asked. "Admiral Flagg?"

"No, sir." Zack shook his head. He then look directly at John. "It's from Admiral Renjay."

"Your father?"

Zack nodded. "Yes, sir."

John paused before rising from his seat. 

"I'll take it in my office."

"Aye, sir."

As he walked towards his office, John wondered why Jason would be sending him a message since normally it was Richard Flagg who gave them their missions, sometimes without Jason's knowledge or approval. So he figured it must have been something important-or at least something "unofficial" if he that couldn't be handled by another ship-if he was contacting him directly. 

He entered his office and sat down at his desk. He turned on the computer console atop his desk. Soon he was looking at the image of Admiral Renjay.

"Hello, Captain."

"Greetings, Admiral. What can I do for you?"

"Are you on a secure channel?"

John reached over and pressed a button on his console.

"I am now, Admiral."

"I want you to take The Reliant and investigate this uncharted planet that's just on the outside of Alliance space called Aria Seven."

"If you don't mind my asking, Admiral, wouldn't a science vessel be better suited for a mission like this?"

"No, it wouldn't, since this is technically not a scientific mission."

"Really?" John raised his eyebrows. "If this is not a scientific mission, then what type of mission is it?"

Jason hesitated before answering. "It's more of an reconnaissance mission."

"Is that so?" Jason nodded. "Do you suspect one of our enemies might be plotting something against the Alliance?"

"There's nothing confirmed yet. But we have received reports that have given Alliance command cause for concern."

"I don't suppose you can elaborate on what some of those reports are, Admiral?"

Jason shook his head. "Not at this time, no. Your mission is to investigate Aria Seven and see if it's suitable for the Alliance to place a surveillance outpost on the planet."

John nodded dutifully. "Will do, Admiral." John could tell Jason had something else on his mind. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Admiral?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, there is."

"What is it?"

Jason hesitated again before answering. "You remember my nephew Virgil, don't you?"

"Yes, I do." John nodded. "He was about 7 or 8 when I last saw him, though."

"Well, he's 19 now, and he needs some direction in his life."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning I'd like for him to serve a few days aboard The Reliant."

"Is that a command or a request?"

"Well, I'd like for it to be a request, though I could make it a command if need be."

"Okay, Admiral, level with me. What's wrong with your nephew?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're not requesting he serve on a Class A or even a Class B or C ship. Instead, you're asking he serve on The Reliant. So I'm assuming there's something the matter with him?" John waited for Jason to answer. When he didn't, he asked, "Has he been in trouble with the law or something?"

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