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The Reliant's next mission, as given to them by Admiral Renjay, was to escort Ambassador Lazz of Vorlock to the planet of Bable to discuss the possibility of that planet to become a member of the Alliance. This mission was also especial for John given that Lazz was his first officer aboard his previous ship The Pretorious. He hadn't seen nor heard from Lazz since the ending of the Karnin war after he was unceremoniously stripped of his command due to his surrendering to the Karnin flagship The Prefector. John normally didn't enjoy these missions escorting ofttimes arrogant Alliance ambassadors, but he was actually looking forward to seeing his former colleague-and friend-again.

When The Reliant was in orbit around Vorlock, John and his current first officer Lisa were standing in front of the landing bay along with chief of security Bortis awaiting the arrival of Lazz's shuttlecraft from the planet.

"Are you looking forward to seeing your former first officer again, Captain?" Lisa asked him.

"Yes, I am," John replied, "though I do admit to feeling a bit apprehensive about it too."

"Why's that?"

"Well, a lot has happened since we last saw each other."

"Are you talking about your drinking?"

He smirked at her. "Among other things."

"Why would Lazz care about that?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Lazz was always making comments about how weak humans were compared to Vorlocks."

"Yeah, Vorlocks have always been known for their arrogance and xenophobia."

John appeared irked by Lisa's comment. "Do me a favor, Commander."

"Yes, Captain?"

"Please refrain from making comments like that while Lazz is onboard, will you?"

"Why's that, Captain?"

"Let's just say Lazz wouldn't be as appreciative of your sharp wit as I have been."

This time Lisa smirked at him. "You think I have a sharp wit, Captain?"

John let out an annoyed sigh. "That's precisely what I'm talking about, Commander."

Before Lisa could respond, the intercom on the wall came on. 

"Captain," said ship's android Roger.

John went over to the intercom and turned it on.

"Yes, Roger."

"The Ambassador's shuttle has just landed in the landing bay."

"Thanks, Roger. Captain out."

John turned off the intercom and faced Lisa. 

"Let's go greet our esteemed guest, Captain."

John let out another annoyed sigh as both he and Lisa stepped inside the landing bay. The door to the shuttlecraft opened and out walked Lazz dressed in formal Ambassadorial wear. Lazz stood almost as tall as Bortis. Most Vorlocks were impressive in size and stature. They weren't as massive as Morlons or Kelvarians or even the Zennars, but they were every bit as formidable. It also looked like Lazz had barely aged any since the last time they saw each other, which wasn't surprising to John since Vorlocks aged at a slower rate than humans. Lazz slowly stepped up to John and Lisa looking as stoic and emotionless as ever. Vorlocks also felt it improper to display emotion publicly, especially toward other species they felt were inferior to their own.

"Greetings, Captain Yager," Lazz said to John as he stood in front of him and Lisa.

"Hello, Lazz," John replied to his former first officer, smiling at him. "It's been a while."

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