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"Here are the prisoners you asked for, Commander."

"Thank you, Sub-Commander."

The man nodded before stepping out of the room John and Roger found themselves in. Just moments earlier they were on the planet Romus along with Bortis in an uncharted region of space Admiral Renjay had them investigate. While on the planet, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a group of heavily-armed men. They were then transported to the ship they were currently aboard and, after Bortis was led away, John and Roger were brought to this room. Now they were standing behind a desk. The person sitting behind the desk had their back turned to them. When the other men had left the room, the chair turned around, and John found himself staring into the face of the most sinister-looking woman he had ever seen. She was dressed in all black, including the cape she was wearing. Parlon Mostiv wore a cape, which is why, along with people who smoke cigars, he didn't care for people who wore capes. John assumed the stars on her shirt collar signified her command rank. And that look in her eyes. She would have scared the hell out of Bolaria.

"I'm Commander Topal of the ship The Levar," she said to them.

"Hello," John said to her. "I'm Captain John Yager of the Alliance ship The Reliant."

"The Alliance?" John nodded. "I've never heard of this. . . Alliance." She got up from her seat and walked around her desk. "Why were you down on the planet Romus?"

"We were conducting an investigation."

"An investigation?" John nodded again. "What type of . . . investigation?"

"It's part of our mission to explore uninhabited worlds."

"But Romus is not uninhabited, as you say. It's part of the Keeva empire."

"The Keeva empire?"

Topal nodded. "Yes."

"I'm sorry. We were not aware of that. Had we known, we would not have gone down to the planet without your permission."

"So you say."

"You don't believe me?"

She paused. "You say you were merely conducting an investigation of the planet because you believed it to be uninhabited."

"That's correct."

"And you say that's part of your mission?"

"Yes, it is."

"It could also be part of your mission to examine the planet as a prelude to an invasion by your Alliance."

"With all due respect, Commander, that's absurd."

"Is it, Captain?"

"Yes, it is. No offense, but we've never even heard of the Keeva empire before."

"The Captain is telling the truth, Commander," Roger interjected.

Topal looked at Roger. She stepped closer to him and began to examine his face.

"What are you?" Topal asked she gave him a curious look. "You are clearly not a humanoid."

"That is correct, Commander," Roger replied. "I am an android."

"An android?" 

Roger nodded. "Yes."

"So you are a machine?"

"That's correct, Commander, though I prefer the term artificial life form."

"You don't have androids in the Keeva empire?"

Topal glared directly at John. "No, we do not, Captain." She turned back toward her desk and eyed the items that were laying atop her desk her soldiers had taken off John and the others. "So you say you were merely exploring the planet, Captain?"

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