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The Reliant was docked at Alliance base 71 for routine maitenance. The crew decided to take advantage of the downtime and visited the shops and other places at the base except for ship's android Roger and the ship's Morlon chief of security Bortis who both remained onboard the ship. Lisa and Tamala decided to go shopping. Amanda went to get some extra medical supplies for sick bay. John and ship's engineer Ron decided to have dinner at one of the restaurants called The Oasis.

"Thanks for inviting me to dinner, Captain," Ron told John as they were sitting in the restaurant.

"No problem, Ron. I figured you were tired of being cooped up most of the time in that engine room."

"Ah, it's not so bad. I enjoy my work."

"Do you miss being an engineer on a Class A ship? You can be honest with me." He smiled at Ron. "Trust me, I won't be offended."

"Well, to me, an engine is an engine. Though I will admit I sometimes do miss working around others."

John did feel somewhat sorry for Ron. Since The Reliant was a single-engine ship unlike a Class A ship like his former ship The Pretorius that had multiple engines, there was no need to have more than one person operate the engine. 

"I bet it's especially hard to be away from your family as much as you are."

"Yeah, it is," Ron replied, nodding. 

"At least regulations allow crew members with families serving onboard Alliance ships to go spend time with their families every few weeks."

"Yeah, that helps, definitely. Though I do kind of hate leaving you a man short whenever I go see my family."

John shrugged. "Oh, that's all right. Roger does a pretty good job of taking care of things in the engine room while you're gone. Though, with him being an android, he doesn't have your passion for the job the way you do."

"No," Ron agreed with a chuckle. "I suppose he doesn't."

"I will say I'm looking forward to eating some real food instead of that duplicated stuff."

"Yeah," Ron said, nodding again and grinning. "Me too."

"So what are you gonna have?"

"I think I'm going to have a big porterhouse steak cooked medium rare and a beer. You?"

"I think I'll have a good old-fashioned cheeseburger and a side order of onion rings. And, since I can't drink a beer, I believe I'll instead have a giant chocolate milkshake to wash it down with."

"Sounds good."

Just then, the waitress-who was petite blond android like Roger (many waitresses and waiters at Alliance base restaurants were androids)-walked up to their table and asked them if they were ready to order. John and Ron gave them their orders which she memorized. When she left their table, they engaged in some more small talk until this tall man with a long scar across his right cheek walked up to their table and interrupted them.

"Captain John Yager," the man said as he stood next to their table. "It's been a long time."

John gazed up at the man and immediately recognized him. He was definitely the last person he thought he would see in this restaurant.

"Chris Piker. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Likewise, Captain." He looked over at Ron who was also gazing up at him. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Oh, where are my manners? This is my ship's engineer Ron Langstrom. Ron, this is Chris Piker."

"Hello," Ron said to Chris politely.

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