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For their next mission, Admiral Renjay had Captain Yager and the crew of The Reliant escort the Queen of the planet Moria to the Alliance Senate to discuss the possibility of her planet to become a member of the Alliance.

Moria was an ice world. The Morians had to live in cities underground since it was too cold for them to live above ground. The above temperature was known to dip as low as nearly a hundred degrees below zero. The extreme cold of their planet kept would-be conquerors and invaders at bay.

John couldn't fathom why a planet like that would wish to become a member of the Alliance. But, like always with these escort missions, he didn't question the particulars. He just did his job, though he did ask Admiral Renjay why he chose The Reliant for this mission rather than a larger Alliance ship such as a Class A or B ship. The Admiral responded by saying how he believed a ship like The Reliant would be more accommodating to the Queen's needs. He also stated how, since the Morians rarely ever associated with offworlders, a ship with a smaller crew like The Reliant had would also be better for their first time onboard an Alliance vessel.

"I understand, Admiral," John said to him.

The Reliant flew to the planet Moria to pick up the Queen. Moria was in the Teris system. The Teris system was one of the smaller systems in the galaxy. Many of the planets within the system were either devoid of life or the living conditions were harsh like on Moria. If Moria did in fact become a member of the Alliance, it would be the very first world within the Teris system to do so.

A small ship flew from Moria and landed in the landing bay of The Reliant. John, Lisa and Bortis stood in the landing bay to greet their esteemed guest. John had to admit to himself this mission made him feel more than a little anxious. Not only was this an escort mission, it was also a first contact mission. And first contact missions always made him feel more than a little anxious.

A door on the ship opened and out walked two Morians, one female and one male. Both the woman and the man had pale blue skin. She had silvery white hair and the man had dark brown hair. The woman was wearing a dark blue grown with white neck and wrist ruffs. John could tell by her regal demeanor that she was the Queen. The other man he wasn't sure about. She stepped up to John and the others while the other man followed closely behind her.

"Hello," the woman said as she stood in front of them. "I am Astera, Queen of the Morian people."

"Greetings, Queen Astera," John replied, bowing his head. "I am Captain John Yager of the Alliance ship The Reliant."

"Greetings, Captain." She motioned with her hand towards the other man who was standing next to her. "Allow me to introduce my attendant Faustis. He will be accompanying me on this trip."

"That will be fine, Queen Astera." He looked at Faustis who was giving him a stern look. "Greetings, Faustis. Welcome aboard."

He gave a terse nod of his head. "Captain." 

"Queen Astera, if you-"

"That's her Majesty," corrected Faustis sharply.

"Excuse me?"

"Please refer to her as her Majesty, Captain."

"Very well." He looked directly at Astera who appeared unfazed by her attendant's outburst. "Your Majesty, if it's all right, my chief of security Bortis will show you to your quarters."

Faustis gave Bortis a harsh look. "What is your species?"

"I am a Morlon."

"A Morlon?" asked Faustis.


Faustis then looked back at a perplexed John. 

"Captain, if it's acceptable to you, I would like for you to show us to our quarters."

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