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The Reliant was tasked with transporting a prisoner to an Alliance penal colony. The prisoner's name was Dale Mackey. A low-level jewel thief and petty larcenist. John didn't really think anything of this mission. He figured this would be their easiest mission yet. He hoped it would be anyway.

John, Lisa and Bortis were standing in the landing bay after the police shuttle landed there. The shuttle door opened and out worked an older and rather portly uniformed officer and a young woman in handcuffs stepped out of the shuttle. John was taken aback when he saw the young woman in handcuffs. He was expecting some homely-looking scrawny guy given their name was Dale. Instead Dale turned out to be one of the prettiest women he'd ever laid eyes on with her long blond hair and svelte body. How in the world a woman like this became a petty jewel thief was beyond him. The officer and his pretty prisoner walked up to John and the others.

"Hello, I'm Sergeant Jenkins."

"Sergeant," John said with a nod. "I'm Captain John Yager."

"Captain." He looked right at his prisoner. "Here's the prisoner, Dale Mackey."

John peered over at Dale and found himself gazing into the deepest blue eyes he had ever seen. Dale was smiling at him the way she had smiled at countless other men, John thought. 

"Hello, Dale," John said to her.

"Hello, Captain," she replied to him in a voice that was smooth as honey.

John could hear his first officer Lisa snickering a little behind him. John ignored her the way he so often did as he looked back at Sergeant Jenkins who was looking at him.

"Captain," he said, "I hope I don't insult you by asking this, but do you mind if I inspect your holding facilities?"

"Not at all, Sergeant." He pointed in the direction of the brig. "This way."

They all went to the brig. The sergeant followed John up to the holding cells. He tapped on one of the cells with his knuckles.

"As you can see, Sergeant, these are standard-issue cells made out of titanium. There's no getting in or out once a prisoner is in."

"If you don't mind my saying so, Captain, but I read your report about one prisoner you had in here who managed to get out. What was his name again?"

"You're referring to Parlon Mostiv, I'm assuming."

"Yeah, Parlon, that was his name. What happened there?"

"There were extenuating circumstances involving his breakout. It seemed he possessed some sort of long-range transporter the Alliance doesn't use."

"I see."

"So, if she's got any friends who possess this type of transporter technology, I don't foresee any way she can get out of one of these babies."

"Well, she does have an all-female gang she usually travels with we're currently in search of.  I don't believe any of them have this long-range transporter you spoke of."

"Good." John nodded. "So is there anything else, Sergeant?"

"Yeah, you need to sign this indicating you received the prisoner and therefore take responsibility for her."

He handed John a small computer tablet, which he took and pressed his thumb into the center. Then a computerized voice spoke:

"Captain John Yager of Alliance vessel The Reliant. Identity confirmed."

John handed the tablet back to Jenkins. "Here you go."

"Thanks, Captain. By the way, who's your chief of security?"

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