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Captain Yager came onto the bridge of The Reliant after waking up like he did every morning. He walked over and sat down in his captain's chair without saying a word to anyone and stared straight ahead. His first officer Lisa had already gotten out of his seat and sat in the adjacent seat in anticipation of his arrival.

"Good morning, Captain," Lisa said to him.

"What?" he muttered as he still stared straight ahead.

"I said good morning."

"Oh," he began, finally looking at her. "Good morning."

"Did you sleep well?"


"Are you okay, Captain? You sound kind of . . . off."

John didn't respond again as he looked about the bridge as if he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings. Lisa could tell something wasn't right with John. She figured maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was just having an off morning. They had just finished another stressful mission and could have all used a little R & R. Still, she decided to test him a little further to make sure that's all it was.

"Where's your coffee?" she asked him.

"My . . . coffee?"

"Yeah, coffee. You know, the stuff you drink every morning? And, while we're at it, why aren't you wearing your jacket?"

"My . . . jacket?"

"That's right, your jacket. I don't think I've hardly ever seen you without it on."

"Oh. I guess I forgot to put it on."

By now, the alarm bells were going off in Lisa's head. Whatever was bothering the Captain, she realized it was more than simple stress.

"Captain, look at me."

John looked over at her. Lisa leaned forward to get a closer look at him. While she was looking at him, she saw his eyes suddenly change color.

"What the-" she muttered, her eyes widening.

"Commander," Tamala said as she turned around in he rseat and faced Lisa, "did you say something?"

Lisa didn't answer Tamala as she got out of her seat and stepped briskly over to the weapons compartment on the wall of the bridge. She pressed the button to open the compartment and took out a laser pistol. She then did something she thought she would never have to do and aimed the pistol directly at John.

"Where's the Captain?" she demanded as she cautiously stepped closer to whoever this was while sh ekept the weapon trained on him. "Where's John?"

"Commander!" Tamala exclaimed as she quickly stood up. "What are you doing?"

"This isn't the Captain."

"What?" Tamala said as she gazed over at John who was gazing at Lisa.

"Where is Captain Yager?" Lisa demanded of this person. "I won't ask you again."

"You can put your weapon away," he said as he calmly stood up.  "Besides, you would only harm your Captain."

Lisa slowly lowered the pistol. By now, everyone on the bridge were watching what was happening with rapt attention.

"Just who the hell are you?" Lisa demanded of him. "And what have you done to the Captain?"

"My race is not corporeal like you humanoids. We travel around the galaxy in search of other beings to . . . inhabit."

"You mean possess , don't you?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Possess?"

"Possess means for a being or a spirit to take complete control over another being for generally nefarious purposes," ship's android Roger stated.

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