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John was sitting in his office when Roger's voice came over the intercom.


"Yes, Roger."

"You're receiving a message."

"Who's the message from?"

"It's from Admiral Renjay."

"Thanks, Roger. I'll take it in my office."

"Aye, sir."

John switched on the viewscreen on the computer console atop his desk and, within seconds, Admiral Renjay appeared on the viewscreen.

"Hello, Captain Yager."

"Admiral. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I believe you're aware the time police regularly keeps track of the timeline to check for any anomalies."

"Yes, Admiral, I'm aware."

"Well, they've recently found something that you might find interesting."

"Oh really? What's that?"

"Well," the Admiral began, hesitating, "I think it would be better if I showed you."

"Okay. You can put it up on the viewscreen."

John sat the viewscreen on dual mode so he could see both the Admiral and the file he was sending to him. Within seconds, he began watching what the Admiral had sent him. At first, he wasn't sure what exactly he was watching. It started with a video showing a starship that looked similar to The Reliant flying through space. Then his eyes widened when the words The Reliant showed up on the viewscreen.

"What is this, Admiral?"

"It's apparently an old form of entertainment from old Earth called a television show."

"Oh yeah. I remember seeing this when Admiral Flagg has us travel back to old Earth to retrieve Isaac Fleming."

"Yeah, I remember."

"I don't understand, Admiral. What has this got to do with us?"

"Well, apparently someone who's been onboard your ship has traveled back in time like Mr. Fleming and made one of these television shows about you and your crew."

"You're kidding?"

"No," the Admiral said, shaking his head, "I'm afraid not."

"So, let me guess, you want me and my crew to go back in time to try to find whoever is responsible for doing this."

He nodded his head. "Yes."

"Wouldn't the time police be better suited for doing this?"

"Normally, yes. But, since this has to do with you and since you've already gone back in time before, I feel you'd be better suited to do this job."

John sighed. He didn't really enjoy going back in time the last time since it wasn't an easy assignment and Tamala nearly lost her life. But, if the Admiral wanted him to do this, there wasn't really much he could do.

"Very well, Admiral. Send me all the pertinent info you have on this and we'll get started on this mission as soon as we can."

"All right, Captain. Good luck."

"Thanks, Admiral. Captain out."

John switched off his viewscreen and leaned back into his seat as he waited for the information he requested from Admiral Renjay. A sense of dread swept over him as he thought how much he didn't want to go back to old Earth. He thought it was a primitive and ignorant time in Earth's history where people were much too involved with trivial pursuits such as watching this television and treating fictional characters as if they were real people. Of course, they had the Holoroom but that was far more interactive and realistic than the entertainment people consumed back then. And, above all, it wasn't a major part of their lives the way entertainment and celebrity worship was back then. The only thing he found the least bit enjoyable was meeting Sarah Jackson even though she did get on his nerves somewhat and he found her to be rather flighty. But Tamala took a liking to her and vice versa, and she did finally start growing on him.

THE RELIANTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ