Welcome to the Theater

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(Should of said this in the first Chapter, But just so that i don't get bombarded by them later, No i'm not taking Suggestions) 

It was a Normal Day for Class 1-A, aside from being tried from the School Festival, things were back like they used to, with Aizawa giving a lecture to the class, When suddenly a Portal ripped open in front of everyone

"What The?! Everyone back!!!" Aizawa Ordered activating his Quirk

The portal then positioned itself by Izuku and Started Sucking Him in

"AHHH GUYS!! HELP!!" Izuku yelled  before being fully dragged into the Portal

"MIDORIYA/MIDORI/DEKU-KUN/MIDOBRO!!!!" All the Student mainly the Girls yelled rushing over to the portal

"Wait Don't get Nea--" Aizawa stated but was cut off with the Portal also starting to pull him in as well

Before long the whole of the class was pulling into the portal

When they got to the other side all they saw was darkness 

"W-W-Where are w--" Mineta asked scared but was cut off by

"Deku-Kun!!, Deku-Kun where are you!!" Uraraka yelled with Jiro, Mina and Momo being just as scared of what happened to there Cinnamon Roll

"Everyone Get Your heads Straight and Stay together!!, for all we know the enemy is all around us, be ready for anything" Aizawa ordered

"OYY WHO EVER'S OUT THERE, SHOW YOUSELF SO I CAN BEAT YOUR FACE INTO YOUR SKULL!!!!!" Bakugo Yelled making small explosion's in his hands

He then noticed a faint silhouette of two people in front of him from the light made from his explosion's and Quickly shot himself over to it

"Alright, I'm Sorry for the scare bud and also the lights" One of the figures said to the other Figure

"SO YOU DRAGGED US HERE!!? YOU BETTER TELL ME BEOFORE I BLAST YOU TO HELL, YOU DAMN EXTRA!!!" Bakugo yelled readying an explosion before seeing the all to familiar Green hair, that was Izuku's

"Wait, Wait!" Kacchan, calm down he's not the enemy!!" Izuku yelled getting between them

"DEKU-KUN/MIDORIYA/MIDORI/MIDOBRO" The rest of the Class yelled going to him

After a bit of the Class telling Izuku how scared they were about him Aizawa went to the figure

"Well, i think it's safe to assume you are the reason were here right? So either you tell me what's going on and let us go or things are gonna get messy" Aizawa asked

"Mr. Aizawa Sir, Please Calm down, i only brought you all here so you could see The Multiverse/Dimensions of your Student Izuku Midoriya, It's why i brought him in first" The Figure explains

"M-M-Me???!!!, Why Me, You said were seeing the Multiverse, you Didn't say it was about Me??!!, They are tons of better people then.... Me" Izuku stated

"Besides, Why would others want to see something about Me?" Izuku thought to Himself

Aizawa let the Figure go and then a door appeared in front of them

"Come in here and Me and a few others will explain" The Figure Asked

"LIKE HELL WE'RE GONNA!!!" Bakugo yelled launching at him

The Figure lifted his hand and made Katsuki freeze in the air and put him back down with his class

"Hey Bakubro, i think you misjudging the guy to much" Kirishima said

Watching The Dekuverse, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now