What They Were Watching

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A/N: Fun Fact The last chapter took me like three day's to write.... and this Chapter only took me 2 hours.... And this chapter is three time longer then the last Chapter.... Screams how Inconsistent i am

As Nezu pulled Aizawa, All Might and the two families into the room, everyone else couldn't get Izuku's expression out of there heads, it being the first time they'd seen Izuku look that sad and Scared

"I can't believe, after all this time none of us ever noticed how much.... Deku-Kun was hurting" Uraraka stated with the look of shame on her face

The Main people that Izuku had helped as well felt the same, that despite all the kind acts that Izuku and shown them, after saving each if them from Villains and from themselves. They felt that they failed as His closest friends 

"You know, it's astounding just how all of you never took notice about him" Monama stated but instead of his well know smirk, he had a completely serious face

"Monama, could you not do this right now" Kendo said to sad about Izuku to knock Monama out

"No, Kendo this time i'm serious, this isn't our classes rivalry or anything like that, No. Don't you think it 's a bit ridiculous that they spent pretty much everyday with him and they never thought or even questioned this stuff? I say we have Midoriya come here in Class 1-B" Monama states with a completely serious tone

With this, everyone was completely baffled by Monama, despite having a ego that rivals Bakugo's, it seemed that he did have a modicum of respect for Midoriya. 

Right away all of Class 1-A, mainly the girls all wanted to protest this, but they couldn't really deny Monama reasoning since no matter how you look at it, he was right 

"...You know, never thought i say this but... I agree with Monama on this, let's bring the greenie to our class, will keep him safe from that explosive maniac " Setsuna said with most of the girls form 1-B agreeing 

"WHAT?! No Way!! Your not taking away our Deku-Kun!!" Uraraka yelled being backed by her whole class. 

While more and more of 1-B started to agree with Monama since they have heard quite alot of things that have happened between the two of them, such as there fight during combat training, how Bakugo acted when they fought All Might, how Bakugo went to attack Midoriya on the first day and most recently, how the two of them fought each other after the licensing exam

"Yea Think about it you guys, it'd be a terrible idea to keep the two of them in the same class. Midoriya should join us, we can and will protect him, it's the Manly thing to do" Tetsutetsu stated

"I'd have to agree with my class, it's pretty clear that keeping those to together would just cause further problems and likely cause more pain for Midoriya, For the sake of maintaining both Midoriyas Physicals and Mental safety i'd allow for Midoriya to join our class" Vlad King stated

"If the problem is Midori and Bakugo being in the same class then how about you guys take Bakugo!" Mina said

"Of even how about putting Bakugo into the General Studies course" Momo added 

"One, Bakugo and Monama in the same class? no way are we gonna deal with that for three years. Second i don't think the teachers could put bakugo into the general studies due to his grades and... while i don't want to say it, Bakugo is a skilled student" Kendo said

"Plus i don't want me and the girls in my class be responsible for Bakugo's Murder" Kendo thought

"Guys! Guys! Your forgetting something!" Mineta yelled catching everyone's attention

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