The Truth

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After a bit of time letting everyone get there head back on the ground

"Well, everyone i apologize for that sudden shock. but does anyone have any more questions?" Lost asks to which pretty much everyone raised there hand

"I should have expected that, no matter, when i call one you get up and ask your question, but all of you please just don't lose your minds when you hear the answer" Lost asks to which they agree

"First, How about You Nezu Sir" Lost states

"Thank you, Now Lost, based on the fact that two out of the three universes that you've shown us have Young Midoriya have a very rough childhood. I'd like to ask if this is a recurring theme within our dimension?" Nezu asks getting to the main question everyone had

".... Yes, aside from the universes that show the opposite*Whispers* And ones that have it in a different form*Whispers* to which there are not that many compared to the rest. Izuku Midoriya is bullied to very high degrees for one of three reasons. Either one because he's quirkless, Two because the quirk he gets is weak or considered worthless or Three the quirk he gets is considered a villainous quirk." Lost states

Shinso flinched at that last reason since he went through similar things. Everyone else was shocked at this revelation with all the pros that had met Izuku were angered that people bullied someone like Izuku for something like that 

"Has this.... also happened to our Midoriya?" Nezu asks making Izuku and Katsuki flinch a bit. Only Aizawa saw this since he was keeping an eye on them since he also noticed how much more afraid Izuku had been acting since they got here

"Sorry, Sir but one question per person" Lost states as he then picks Aizawa

"Same thing principal Nezu asked, Has this 'Theme' happened to problem child?" Aizawa asked

"Oh This is gonna hit them hard" Lost thought

"Yes.... Yes this has happened to your worlds Izuku. Like the Universe you just saw, ever since he was 4 and diagnosed quirkless, he was bullied constantly for still wanting to be a hero" Lost admits 

"Good thing there Izuku isn't one where he was neglected or abandoned" Lost thought

There was a eerie silence that fell across the theater, as everyone looked to Izuku who was frozen in place, unwilling to look back at them. Most didn't want to believe it but the more they thought about it the more is made sense

The stuttering, Always on edge, The Self Doubt, Lack of socializing skills, The look of fear and how quickly he'd apologize after rambling something, as if thinking he angered the person, with the Dekusquad feeling the most horrible, Izuku had helped each of them when they needed it most yet they never once thought or wondered about there friends past 

"D-Did-Did anyone help Deku-Kun??!" Uraraka asked about to cry her eyes out

"I didn't call on you..... But..... No, NO one wanted to help the disease of a quirkless Deku" Lost stated in a angered tone

"The Teachers, neighbors, Classmates and his so call 'Friends' turned there back on him the second they knew the truth of what he was. They'd either bully him, spread rumors about him or just ignore him, Hell even some pro heros said to him that he couldn't be a hero.... There were some that even went as far to almost Demand for Izuku to Kill himself" Lost stated eyeing Katsuki, as everyone stood them with a few tears coming out of everyone's eyes

"They know the truth!! Now that they do... will they do what they did? Will they stop talking to me?... will they... Hurt me like they did?" Izuku thought as he curled into a ball

Watching The Dekuverse, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now