Detroit Become Human Part 3

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"Owwwwaahh!!! Come on Girls, Please This is starting to hurt!!" Mina said in some pain

"Nope, One more and then they'll be staying there for.... 30 minutes? That fair?" Momo asked creating one more Large Book

"Make it 10, that way when Izuku wakes up, it's unlikely he'll ask for it to be shorter" Melissa said

And if your wondering just what is happening with Mina, Well given that she's been one of the main people that's been making Izuku pass out, The Girls decided to Punish her a bit by placing a bunch of very heavy Books onto Mina's Legs while she was in a Kneeling Position

And if your wondering just what is happening with Mina, Well given that she's been one of the main people that's been making Izuku pass out, The Girls decided to Punish her a bit by placing a bunch of very heavy Books onto Mina's Legs while she wa...

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(Replace Kusakai With Mina)

"Oww!! What are these Books made out of!?? Iron!???" Mina said as Momo placed the last Book

"It's still just paper Mina, Just bare with it" Toru said patting Mina on the back

"*Sheds a Tear* Is Zuzu awake yet? i need him here to talk me through this" Mina stated comically Crying

"He still hasn't shown any sign of waking up...... I don't want to do this to You Greenie but you need to wake up" Kyoka said as she stabbed Izuku in the arm with her Jack 

Almost immediately Izuku Jolted up in some pain as Kyoka quickly pulled her Jack out of his Arm

"Ahaahhh!!! I'm Up!!!" Izuku Said hurt and holding his arm

"You Ok Greenie? Sorry about that, Had to wake you up" Kyoka stated

"O-Oh Really? W-W-What Happened thi-- What's Going on with Mina!??!!" Izuku asked seeing what happened to Mina

"H-Hey Zuzu" Mina said in pain

"Don't worry to much about her Greenie, this is her punishment for making you pass out so much" Rumi stated putting Izuku in a Head lock

"W-What!?? B-B-But isn't that to much??" Izuku asked trying to get out of Rumi's Grip

"Each Book is only about 20 lbs and She'll only have to have them there for about 10 minutes" Melissa said

"E-Even Still Shouldn't you at least.... have her Knelling on some kind of padding?" Izuku asked

"Hmm.... Fine Izu, but how do we do that?" Momo asked

"Here's i'll do it" Lost said snapping his fingers and causing a Soft pillow to appear under Mina's Legs

"~Ahhh~!! That helped out so Much!! Thank You Zuzu!!! Lost!!" Mina yelled in some relief 

"*Sign*... Well i guess we can work with that" Nejire said

"Yeah but, Let's add just 5 extra Minutes to her punishment" Momo stated

"Huh!??! Bu--" Mina said but was cut off

"No But's Mina, besides you'll be fine with Midoriya awake now" Toru said pushing Izuku to Mina

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