Facing The Past

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The Room Lost created for them was quiet with everyone waiting on Izuku or Katsuki to respond

"I'll ask you two again, would one of care to explain this new truth Lost gave us?" Nezu restated 

Izuku was shifting around in his seat unwilling to look at anyone. while Katsuki was frozen solid staring at the table. 

As Katsuki parents, they were in disbelief, Sure they knew that there kid was rash and bombastic but they never expected him to go as low to bully others

"If you two don't want to say it, i can either find it myself with some digging or i can simply ask the guiders to show it to me. Understand that we are here to shed some light on what happened between you two and to understand your motives of why that happened" Nezu stated

"Izuku... My Baby, Please" Inko said make Izuku jump a bit

He looked and saw the one thing he never wanted to have happen, His mother crying because of him. Her eyes pouring out the feels of sadness, sorrow and regret

Seeing this made Izuku even more sad for, he never wanted others to have to suffer because of his choices especially his own mother, yet it seemed like he couldn't even do that right

"M-M-Mom I..I-I" Izuku said but couldn't respond being to filled with shame and regret for making his own mother cry 

"What he said is true" Katsuki said suddenly and for the first time completely calm

"Then would you please elaborate further, Young Bakugo" Nezu said practically demanding he does 

"When we turned 4 I got my quirk while De--- Izuku was deemed quirkless. The whole class and the adults all praised me, saying how i'd become an amazing hero in the future and was destine to be great. while they all completely ignored Dek--- Izuku. The a few days later we are at a park near home, me the nerd and some friends in our neighborhood decide for follow me deeper into the park. We went over an old log bridge and i fell over, i was fine since it's wasn't that high up and it was over a small stream. Then the nerd.... just had to come and help me... come and look down on me like i need help from some weakling, i pushed him away.... after that.... everything changed for the worst" Katsuki explained

"And how did things change Young Bakugo?" All Might asked

Katsuki then explained how people changed there approach towards Izuku, How anytime Izuku 'Got in his way' he'd bully him, 

How teachers would ignore his cry for help and some even encouraged for students to hurt him. 

How adults that knew he was quirkless did much the same and how everyone started to call him Deku, meaning worthless

As for Izuku during this looked down in shame, he never wanted anyone to know about how he was treated since, at least what he believed was, it was his problem not there's and as such he should be able to handle and deal with it without dragging others into his own problems. 

But above all..... He was just Scared..... Scared that if this new group of friends and even family knew about his past which they now do. 

He was scared that'd they do the same thing they all did to him, turn there backs on him and force him to relive the pain of being alone, being ignored, Being known as Worthless

Inko wasn't doing any better, crying ever since Lost told them the truth. She felt like she failed as a mother, not being able to see that something was happening to her baby boy for so long. 

She believed him when ever he said he was fine, Even when she called the school about Izuku they too also said that nothing was wrong and that it was just boys being boys and that they'd deal with it 'appropriately' (Yeah appropriately, by ignoring it) 

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