Mending and Ships

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A/N: I'm Gonna Re-Add Kendo to the Harem since i originally planned for her to be in it. I'll put her back into the Harem Chapter Soon and Change the Number to 7

"Well, Now that you've all seen this and have had some time to think, anyone have something to say?" Lost asked seeing how everyone, mainly the students had clear tear mark on there faces

"M-Midoriya?... Do you... Still have those kind of thoughts?" Momo asked eyeing His wrists that earlier were covered with Cuts inflicted by his own hand

Everyone was eyeing Izuku for an answer. they'd been inadvertently turning a blind eye to the schools most kindest heart and there Cinnamon Roll's Pain ever since the first day and now they wanted to be there for him, Wanted to make him know that he isn't alone, but for that to happen they need Izuku to open up to them

Izuku was hesitant of what to say, he wanted to lie to try and save his classmates the guilt but, because of all they saw and now know of him it'd be pretty easy for them to know that he's lying, plus Izuku was never a good liar 

"I..... I Don't have thoughts like that.... As much as i used to...But.... Recently i feel..... Like i don't belong here.... All of you worked so hard with you quirks to get here.... and i.... was given the power. But i haven't thought of.... That ever since then" Izuku said unable to gain the will to look at them

"Midoriya" Aizawa said going to him along with Nana

"Y-Yes Sir?" Izuku replied nervous

"Midoriya, you more then anyone deservers to be here. The first day... i almost made a grave mistake, granted it was cause a certain Muscle head didn't inform me. Regardless, Midoriya you've persevered in the face of doubt all your life. You've shown more potential then anyone i've or really anyone the UA Staff have seen if a long time, and you are a hero to alot of people, just look to Eri or Kota" Aizawa stated with Eri going to Hug Izuku while Kota just looked with a softened face

"Yeah your teachers right kid, You without a doubt belong here. I once told this to Toshi, There's a difference between being lucky and deserving, one's an accident and the other a reward, Never get the two confused. You don't have to be born special to be special" Nana said

"T-Th-Thank You, Miss. Shimura, Mr. Aizawa" Izuku said rubbing his eyes

"Ohh, Are you going soft now Sho? Now will you marry me?!" Emi Said with a smile

"Don't Push it Joke, and No" Aizawa quickly stated making everyone lighten up a bit 

"Izuku" Inko said Grabbing his arm

"Izuku.... Why didn't you tell me? I knew that you were hiding something but... I didn't think it was this much... I.... If i was a good mother i would have realized this, This is now Twice i've failed to be there for you when you needed It!!" Inko Stated as she started to shake

She began to remember all the times in Her life were she could have or better yet should have done so much more for her Baby Boy. She wished she took a more hands on approach for Izuku, And actually tried to press into her Baby's life to find out what was happening to him after she noticed him change

"Mom!" Izuku said grabbing His Mother by the shoulders

"Mom You have nothing to feel bad about, you said that back then cause you worry worried about me, Like any Parent would be. You were always involved in my life, Yes you had to work extra hours alot but still you made time for me, You still would make Breakfast and talk with me about what would happen for the day.... I didn't want to tell you because... you already had so much to deal with.... Having Multiple Jobs, Taking care of the house ..... Dad leaving and Taking care of someone whos quirkless. I just... didn't want to give you more work and cause more worry for you.... It's why i spend so much time being there for you.... i didn't want to be more of a burden to you then i already was" Izuku explains, starting to cry and punching a hole in everyone's hearts

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