The Purge

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A/N: The Universe they see will be only Loosely follow the events of Purge Election Year

"Alright you've all had enough time to try and figure out what the Universe could be i think" Lost said getting there attention

"I Still don't have anything good, the most notable value of the US usually is Freedom but... Uh" Izuku said but didn't know what to say

"You can say almost anything Good or Bad about the idea of Freedom right Izuku?" Melissa asked

"Y-Yeah That" Izuku said

"But the idea of Freedom is still a good thing overall since it allows for the people to express themselves and have the confidence to stand up for what they believe is right" All Might said

"Yeah but it can also make people, especially kids grow pretty selfish and a pain in the Ass" Aizawa said looking to his class

"Well then i hope you all are ready for this Universe cause Uh.... It's gonna be very...... Extreme with it's view of Freedom" Lost stated

"Can we perhaps have some more information about this Universe?" Nezu asked

"Sure, For one again Quirks don't exist in this Universe or any kinds of Supernatural things at that. Both Class 1-A and B, All of you grew up together, The US has experienced a massive amount of both Street/Gun Violence. Civil Unrest and Economic downfalls on par with the Great Depression" Lost explained

"Hmm That has always been a issue the US had problems with the whole thing with Guns given the US Seconds Amendment" David said

"And for it to go through Economic Downfall like that of the Great Depression would likely cause a second Great Depression for the world" Momo said

"As a result during the Election a Third Political Party, Named the New Founding Fathers of America or NFFA for Short were able to beat the Democratic's and Republicans with there new and Radical idea in the passing of the 28th Amendment" Lost explained

"New Founding Fathers of America? Really??? Are they Sociopaths or something!?" All Might said

"Well Uhh..... When you are think about...... In a Way All Presidents from whatever Country int he World are Sociopaths" Izuku pointed out

"And they were able to Pass an Amendment right after entering Office?!" David said which Lost nodded

"Well then what was this new Amendment they added to the US Consultation?" Nezu asked

"I think i'll leave it at that for now. You'll find out pretty easily. But before we start, again be prepared since what your gonna be seeing will be very.... Unsettling" Lost said starting the screen

We start off with seeing Izuku Denki and Kirishima together in what looks to be an Underground Armory 

"Hey Izuku, You ever gonna tell us just why you Joined UA?" Denki asked While he, Izuku and Kirishima were loading Mags

"Like i said, It's Personal alright Man? Sides if i tell you it's not like anything's gonna change" Izuku replied

"Well Nezu always is looking for any way to help gain Public Support so maybe it could, You never know" Kirishima said

"You do know that He knows why i joined right?" Izuku said finishing the mag he was loading

"Ok.... Wasn't expecting this" Denki said

"Where are we and why are we loading Guns?" Kirishima asked

"Also looks like were a few years older too" Izuku added

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