Villians Aren't Born, There Made

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A/N: If you couldn't tell from the last Chapter, the Universe they see will be modeled after Demongem1 Villain Deku Manga

"Can you please tell me what happened in that Universe! How can my baby be a Villain!!?" Inko yelled squeezing Izuku

"Yeah!! How can Midoriya ever be a Villain, he's more of a Hero then really any of us!" ilda said

"Midobro's to Manly to be a Villain" Kirishima stated

"All he's ever done is help us and others, how can someone like Midoriya become a villain?" Shoto asked with all of them still having the image of Izuku as a Villain fresh in there minds

"All he's ever done is help us and others, how can someone like Midoriya become a villain?" Shoto asked with all of them still having the image of Izuku as a Villain fresh in there minds

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After both hearing and literally seeing there Sweet Izuku as a Villain, everyone in the Theater especially Izuku's Family and the UA Staff were very concerned and wanted to know just how could a Peron like Izuku ever be a Villain

"Everyone calm down Please! and remember this isn't your Izuku" Shadow said having some trouble getting the screen started

"Still knowing that there are versions on Midoriya that are actually Villains is just mind blowing" Midnight said

"Indeed, while we've seen Young Midoriya as a Vigilante, at the very least. When Young Midoriya is a Vigilante he is still trying to do the right thing for the people, whether it was fighting against a corrupt Hero Association or Him fighting for equal treatment for the Quirkless" Nezu stated

"Well... I'll show you the beginning of how this happens. You'll have to forgive me, i'm not as good at doing this kind of thing compared to Lost so i won't be able to show large portions of the Universe, but only small bits" Shadow said (This is here cause the Manga jumps around quite a bit and therefore meaning that the Universe see will jump around)

"Where in Zuzu's Life are we starting?" Mina asked

"It's starts at the conversation All Might and Izuku had after the sludge Villain" Shadow said

"Do i say something different?" All Might asked worried about what this Him might say to Izuku

".... Yeah... You do, Just everyone remember that is isn't your All Might" Shadow said looking at Nana mainly 

"C-C-Can me and Kota not see this?" Eri asked

"Yeah... i don't feel like seeing Midoriya as a Villain" Kota added

"Sure you two, i can have Fade watch you two again, if that's ok with your Izuku" Shadow said

"Of course, it is. But Nejire what about you? and you two Mandalay?" Izuku said

"Yeah, you can take them, i don't want to see My Snowball or Kota see what happens here" Nejire said

"Sure, Kota's seen more than enough things for someone his age" Mandalay said

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