Day's of Future Past Final Part

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"So what do you think?" Lost asked showing Shadow the purposed Universe he'd like to shows after

"I think for one, the kids can't see that Duh, a two what part of that Universe are you gonna show them?" Shadow asked

"What UA does during the Night and maybe the Election" Lost replied

"You gonna show them what happens after the Election?" Shadow asked

"Maybe, Depends on how they act after seeing the Universe" Lost replied

"Why are you showing them Something this..... Well Gruesome?" Shadow asked

"Well you do know what there gonna go through when there Universes Resumes right?" Lost said (Again no one spoil anything from the Manga, the only thing i know is that the next Arc is a War Arc)

"I.... Guess your right about that... *Sign* Alright fine let's just get them back here so was can finally finish this Universe up" Shadow said as he opened up a few Portals followed by Lost doing the same

"Take Care Midoriya and.. U-Uh T-Thanks For trying to help me with my Smile" Mayucchi said

"Your not half bad at fighting Bush Head, come back again if you want me to teach you more of the Kawakami Style" Momoyo said

"And Rumi get ready, next time it'll be harder for you to try and beat me" Tsubame said

"T-Thanks E-Everyone for the Help" Izuku said as he and the others that went to Kawakami came through

"Can't wait to fight you again Tsubame" Rumi stated

"Those people were so much fun Izuku! and Kazuko was just so joyful being with!!" Toga said being a bit jumpy

"You and her were Surprisingly similar with your energy" Nejire said

"Welcome back all of you, the others should be coming through in a bit" Lost said

"Man we were so close to beating you guys in the last round" Kendo said as she as both Class 1- and 1-B came through

"Yeah just how the heck did you guys beat us Sieging the Mega Flower? We couldn't even make a dent in your defense" Awase

"That's cause we had our Greenie's planning that time" Kyoka stated

"Alright and now for the Staff and Mei and Melissa" Lost said going through the portal to get them

"Come and play anytime you'd like everyone!!" Tatenashi yelled as the UA Staff came through the portal

"My those IS Units were quite amazing to see in action" Nezu said coming through

"And those Girls were something else, especially Houki in more ways then one" Midnights Stated

"And that German Girl Laura, That's quite the commitment to the IS. Giving up her eye for better performance with it" David stated

"Come On Hatsume! you can't stay there" Power loader Said pulling Mei through the portal

"Ahh Come one i need more time to figure out how Tabane makes those Black Cores!!" Mei yelled 

"Will have time to figure it out Mei, i mean we or i guess you still are trying to figure out the Titan Data Cores are made" Melissa said trying to calm Mei down 

"So... I take it that Mei and Melissa enjoyed there Stay at the IS Academy?" Lost asked

"For the most apart yes, Melissa had a lot of fun talking with the Students there while Young Hatsume.... Well did all she could to learn about the IS" All Might said

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