i will fall for you

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Jacob Perez promises he was always much more vigilant than he was on this particular day.

He was coming from a busy evening of work at the university preschool and -- to make matters worse-- it was raining. Thankfully, he remembered to carry his new umbrella. He broke his last two umbrellas in one week-- that was a tragic occurrence for him, as the last few days had been very wet.

He was approaching his building, walking up this slightly inclined walkway. The campus was paved with brick--brick that had a history of its own with the number of people that had fallen or tripped on them. They were uneven in some spots, but the bricks did add to the beauty of the campus.

So, when it rained, you can imagine the bricks were slick. And as Jacob walked up the incline to his dorm building, you can imagine he was focusing on not slipping. He'd slipped in this exact path before, thankfully not hitting the ground.

He had his earphones in and was watching his feet take turns hitting the ground -- which is funny because that was a line of the song he was currently listening to -- so he was pretty much zoned out from the rest of the world, and that was unlike him when it came to being outdoors. He was just trying to relax; the kids at the preschool were pretty wild that day.

But he was almost at his building where he could further unwind with music, a book, and a cheap pack of noodles. So, it was all good.

Chresanto August promises he was much better on his feet than at this particular moment.

Chresanto had just left soccer practice. They practiced in the gym that day, because of course Coach Mansfield wouldn't let them have a day off just because of the rain.

So, Chresanto-- who didn't think to grab his umbrella or raincoat; he really did mean to check the weather, but hey time got away from him-- was running and slipping every now and then on the slick university bricks. He hated those bricks.

He was getting soaked from head to toe, but his dorm building was right down this incline so he sped up. At times like those, his athleticism was an advantage.

Although, he should have been more careful and thoughtful about his decision to run over a slick hill because he was soon falling.

It happened so quickly.

Chresanto's foot slid on one particularly slick spot and his foot flew into the air taking him with it. His back hit the ground first and some point between going airborne and hitting the ground, he had his elbows behind him to keep his head from hitting the ground. Yelling, he barreled into what looked like Jacob. The fluffy hair was the giveaway.

Jacob was literally knocked off his feet, his hands letting go of his umbrella to prepare for impact. He fell onto a body which stifled some of the fall. However, his hands and knees weren't so lucky. He ended up straddling the person, which allowed his hands and knees to smack into the pavement much like this person smacked into him.

"Owwww!" Jacob moaned at the same time Chresanto groaned, hissing as he could tell his elbows were scraped.

After a few seconds of making sure he was still alive, Chresanto focused on the figure above him.

They had sagged into him, still making sounds of pain.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" Chresanto was quick --well as quick as he could with injured elbows--to check on the small guy he'd knocked over.

Jacob whimpered. "My knees...I-I'll be okay.." He continued to writhe, which made Chresanto feel really guilty.

Chresanto looked around for help and surprisingly no one was around. It was pretty dark by now and it was still raining. They needed to get inside.

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