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     ×  Sorry for mistakes&things that don't make sense!


            It was finally time for both guys to be joined in marriage and they couldn't be happier.

Chresanto walked out first as everyone in the audience gushed over him. His mom and sister wiped a tear at the wonderful man their son/brother had become.

Shortly after , Rachel followed in behind him. Being the maid of honor, Jacob wanted her to walk alone down the 'aisle' and also as a sign of her independence.

After that, the footsteps of bridesmaids&groomsmens flooded the freshly cut , green grass in pairs as Chresanto and Rachel took their spots at the front.

Craig and Terra came first of course. They smiled sweetly at the audience who adored them. Terra's hair, now in curls, flowed down her back and bounced with every step. She, along with the other bridesmaids wore green or blue dresses. Hers was blue , to match Craig's vest/suit. It was quite fashionable, and you could tell Chres&Jacob took their time with wardrobe for the wedding.

All bridesmaids and groomsmen stood waiting at the front in line; both in their designated positions.

The music changed to one of anticipation as the flower girl, Chres's niece, walked the 'aisle' decorating the grass in bright and colorful flower petals. She was four and wore a fluffy white dress with splashes of green and blue; Jake and Chresanto's favorite colors.  Her hair was in two long, curly pigtails with pretty white bows on each. Chresanto smiled admiring his beautiful niece;his older sister's daughter.

At the end of the 'aisle' , Chres's niece, Loren-named after him, realized there were still a few petals left. She shrugged placing the basket on the ground,then leaned down grabbing them all in her small hands. She threw them all into the air and watched them fall back down. Everyone aww'd at her cuteness , and she smiled back skipping to stand in front of Rachel & Terra.

The all too familiar , traditional wedding song suddenly played. Everyone stood excitedly knowing that Jake was coming.

The backdoors to Chres and Jake's house opened revealing a slim and fairly curvy silhouette dressed in all white. Everyone's eyes traveled all the way up the beautiful dress to a face just as pleasing.

Chresanto slightly gasped at the sight of Jacob approaching the flowered  'aisle'.  He was beyond amazed. Jacob brought his eyes up from the bouquet of flowers in his hands to gaze at the crowd, giving out a bright,happy smile in which everyone returned. He softly giggled at the way his soon-to-be husband watched him walk closer and closer in anticipation with so much love and joy plastered over his face. He smiled big at Chres and did a small wave. That little action lit up Chres's heart and he blew a kiss at Jacob. Jacob giggled and once again looked down at his flowers. They were pretty and Chresanto had carefully picked out his favorites for the wedding.

Jacob finally approached the front and Chres eagerly held his hands after Rachel took his bouquet for him. Chresanto and Jacob stood only a few inches apart from each other . They looked so happy and content to finally be graced with each other's presence. The audience watched with admiration; it was beautiful to witness their silent communication.

"We are gathered here today, to witness the souls of Chresanto August & Jacob Perez join in holy matrimony . ." The pastor's voice started with the powerful declaration.

Both , Chres &  Jake , kept their eyes on each other as he continued with the ceremony.


"Now for the rings." Pastor said.

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