Will You Marry Me?

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"Got ya!" 7 year old Chresanto August told his best friend since birth , 6yr old Jacob Perez.

The two young boys had just finished a fun game of tag .

Jacob dramatically collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

"Woo! That was fun Chressy!" he smiled while laying in the grass .

Chresanto plopped down next to him . " Mmhm."he agreed.

"What are we gonna play now?" He pondered .

Jacob sat up quickly with an idea causing his curls to bounce.  "We can play 'married' !" he said .

"Okay.How ya play?" Chresanto asked with a toothy grin.

Jacob shrugged. "I guess we just act like our mommy&daddys."

"Oh okay . But don't you have to have a wedding and stuff first to be married?" Chresanto asked.

"You're right Chressy.Like on TV. I didn't think about that." Jacob giggled.

Jake gasped remembering another detail of getting married. "Who's gonna be the bride?" he asked seemingly baffled. It was so cute how he threw his hands up like no one in the world could decide.

"You should be it." Chres stated. "You're pretty and you have long curly hair." Chresanto said touching Jacob's curly fro.

{A/N: pretend Chres had short hair like now}

"And sometimes your cheeks turn pink like that stuff my mommy puts on her cheeks."He smiled.

Jacob blushed looking down. "Okay." he agreed rocking from side to side .


   Chresanto suddenly got an idea. He stood up and told Jacob he'd be back and to stay right there.Jacob agreed and sat there humming a catchy tune while watching the many colorful butterflies seem to float by.

Meantime, Chresanto went to his backyard where his mama had natural flowers that grew up all around the yard. Pink , yellow, and purple flowers laced the grass. In addition to that,they also had a small rocky man-made pond with a small fountain that spouted from the middle. Their backyard was pretty beautiful and Chres and Jacob always loved to go back there and sit.Sometimes even camp out in tents at night. Chresanto remembered Jake's love for this area and knew it was an ideal place to have their little play wedding.

Chresanto was young, but he knew a few pointers about weddings already.

He used skills like his crafts making background in kindergarten- 2nd grade to create some special items for Jake. He grabbed pretty flowers,grass,&windblown straws from a next door neighbor's tree and went inside to find glue and other supplies. He was so excited. He came back out about 2minutes later and got started crafting. For a 7yr old,and by being Jacob's friend, he was quite creative.

Back in the front yard, Jacob was getting impatient. Being the little firecracker he was, he always had to be busy .This caused him to get up in search for Chresanto. He went into the house .

"Chresanto?!" he called walking around .

There was no answer answer after several seconds so he shrugged.
I should pick an outfit, Jacob thought going upstairs to Lia's room, Chresanto's 10year old sister.

He walked in and searched for what he was looking for pulling out one of her cute night gowns that was white and had white Daisy's all over it.

He slipped out of his clothes(including shoes&socks) and easily placed on the gown , which stopped about an inch from his ankles. He giggled at his appearance in the mirror and headed to the door with a smile really satisfied by his choice in apparel. He lightly stepped down each step, humming while tapping the rail. Right when he made it down he ran smack dab into Chresanto who was just about to go out front to get him.

"Oops, sorry Ja-" Chres paused looking Jacob up &down . .causing the corners of his lips to turn up.

He pulled Jacob into a hug and Jacob hugged back not really knowing why Chresanto did that. Chresanto didn't either ,really.He just knew he liked the way Jacob looked.

They pulled away giggling and Chres got on one knee, like he had seen done plenty times before, holding out his creation of a ring, which was the ring part of an eaten Ring Pop with a big pretty pink flower glued in the middle . It looked homemade but it was actually cute &Jacob loved it. He squealed with a big smile.

"Will you marry me Jakey?" he asked with a smile .

"Yes I will Chressy!" Jacob smiled excitedly as Chres put it on the wrong finger. It didn't really fit so Jacob just held it on .

"Ah,that's OK. That's not even the good ring. My daddy says you save the best for last and you give your bride two rings. 'gament &wedding ." Chresanto said struggling on the first ring title.

Jacob smiled."Okay .Now what do we do?" He asked placing his hands on his hips.

" Have a wedding! follow me." Chresanto smiled pulling Jacob by the hand to the backyard. . .

. .to be continued (if you want) ☺

PS:don't forget , anybody can request royce imagines/one shots - in comments section or inbox meeee

peace ✌


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