Break up and Punches

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Lana Condor as Emma. Enjoy♥️


Through the whole ride, although my eyes were focused on the road ahead, flashes of Taylor's teared eyes kept coming in my head. I think that when something bad happens to bad people they deserve it; they should have seen that coming but good people don't deserve shit. Taylor is a good guy and I hated myself for hurting him. When he said he doesn't want to be my friend, I could see everything crushing inside of him. He had many many hardships in his life and I was the only holding it together for him. 

As much as I wanted to think about the cons of leaving him, our memories keep flashing in front of me; the first time we cooked together, the time I asked him to try to paint and he failed miserably. I painted a joker on his face when he was asleep. He later told me he wasn't really sleeping but he knew I was having fun destroying his face so he didn't budge. I parked on the side because my vision became blurry from tears. Many many deep breaths later, I buried the guilt I felt for what I did and tried to even my emotions. When I thought I managed, I went off again only to start crying half way. Somehow, I managed to reach home safely without hurting myself. I still had tears on my face when I opened the door to my house. My mom never told me hold my feelings. She said that all emotions are equal part of life and whenever we felt like it, we should express it. 

As soon as I opened the door, my friends jumped from behind the sofas and my mom came down from the first floor. 

"BREAKUP PARTY!!!!" They all shouted at the same time and practically ran towards me engulfing me in a huge hug. 
"Oh you guys !!!!" I said hugging them back. When we pulled apart, I wiped my tears and adjusted my vision. Emma, Sofia, Mia, Ashley, Mark and Mom were grinning at me from ear to ear. Mark came towards me and cupped my cheeks. 

"You did what you should have done. Don't feel guilty about it. You did good. You set him and yourself free." He said wiping my stray tears. I nodded and hugged him. I always found comfort in him. 
"You are like a big teddy bear!" I exclaimed.
"Hey, I am not cute, I am hot." He said gesturing towards his body. I gagged but then smiled at him.
"Whose idea was this by the way?" I asked scanning at the faces around.
"The most important person in your life." Ashley said. My eyes met my mom's and I ran towards her.
"I love you mom. You are the best." 
"Aww honey. I love you too. Now no more sadness. Let's party!!!" She said cheerfully and her excitement was followed by loud blow horns and wohoos.  

I was home at around two in the afternoon and we danced, laughed, ate, drank till five. After that everyone was super tired. I suggested girls night in plus Mark but they all were super tired and had to go back to their homes. I was disappointed but I can't expect them all to just leave everything and stay with me. Everyone left soon except Mark, Emma and Sofia. 

"Hey Emma, you want a ride back home?" Mark asked Emma scratching the back of his neck. She gave him a pointed look and I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Nah Sofia will drop me back. Our houses are close." Amongst all five of us, if anyone knows how to read the room best it's Sofia. She quickly looked at Mark and then at me for conformation. I gave her a small nod and understood what was happening.
"Actually Emma I have some work on my way to home. It will take some time and I don't want you wait up. Mark will drop you home." She said. Emma opened her mouth to reply but before she could say anything Sofia was already out of sight. She sighed and looked at me. I just shrugged and motioned towards Mark who was looking at me to see what I would reply.
"Well then okay. Let's go." Emma said and started walking towards Mark's car. When Mark started to leave, I held his shoulder and made him look at me. 
"This is your chance. Don't fuck up." I said and he nodded nervously. I let him go and he jogged to catch up with Emma.

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