Lasagna and Zombieland

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Five hours passed by and we were still stuck at the same place. We drew many sketches and pieces that we thought represented us but the other person didn't agree with it. Even if we did, something felt missing. Carter had the image that he is some strong bad boy but I pointed out that he had girlfriend issues and he cried when we first ate out. His face turned red in embarrassment and I pulled his cheeks. He snapped my hand and glared at me but I just laughed more. He groaned and went back to his work. I had the image that I am a strong willed person trying to find my place in the world. He said it's nice but it wasn't complete.

"This is hopeless. We have been at this for hours and we are getting nowhere!" He said out loud in frustration and to be honest, it was getting on my nerves as well.
"Look, calm down Gray! Let's stop here for today. We definitely know now what not to do so let's start fresh tomorrow. Does that sound good?" I asked and he sighed in relief.
"Yeah." He said after a moment.

"Carter, Liv, come downstairs! Dinner is ready." My mom called us and we went down, Carter following me. All three of us sat down and my mom served us lasagna.

"Mr. Claire won't be joining us?" Carter asked and I stiffened. I looked at my mom and her hand stopped while she was serving Carter. I quickly took over the question.
"Dad is not in the picture anymore." I said and Carter's eyebrow furrowed in confusion. It's clear he wanted to ask more but he kept quite.
"Oh I am sorry." He said and we all kept eating. It was awkward at first but things became smooth after Carter asked my mom about her work. When we were done, he helped me and my mom with the dishes.

I wouldn't say it was a successful day but atleast it was fun. I learned a lot about Carter. I got to know that his parents fight a lot about silly stuff. He said that they were great when he was little but ever since they co-founded a company together, they have been at each other's throats all the time. Their company is a success but their personal relations have gone downhill. I felt like he is trusting me with so many things about himself so I should tell him about my life too but I feel like there rarely are any listeners and people always like to talk so I refrained from being on of them. Of course the real reason being I don't trust him enough. I don't like telling people about myself. It makes me feel vulnerable and I hate that feeling.

When we were done, I walked with him to his bike and he turned around to look at me.

"Hey I am really sorry I asked about your dad. I didn't know it was a touchy subject." He said with concern in his eyes.
"It's okay. You didn't know." I said awkwardly.
"If you wanna talk about it with someone, I am here." He said politely and I smiled sadly at him. I knew he want me to open up to him but it's not as easy as it sounds. It didn't feel like the right time yet.
"Yeah I know. Thanks! I will see you tomorrow in school." I said and turned around to go back to my place. I know I was being rude but I can't help it. I never liked whenever someone brought up my dad and I just ignored the topic all together.

I went back and my mom was sitting on the sofa waiting for me. She tapped on the space beside her and I gladly sat there leaning over her.

"Peach, it's okay. He is not here anymore. He can't do anything." She said and I nodded slowly.
"I know mom. I hate what happened and whenever someone mentions him, it just reminded me of what he did to you. He just never considered us his family."
"I know Peach, it's okay. Let's watch a movie. It will take your mind off him." She said and put a random episode of Mom on TV. We laughed and saw five episode until it was time for us to go to bed. I didn't get much sleep that night. I kept shuffling and every time I closed my eyes, I saw my dad and I got up, gasping. I didn't know why it bothered me so much. It wasn't like he was a monster or anything but I did hate him. I hated him with every inch of my body and I don't think that feeling will change.

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