That's what she said

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Sunday was the laziest morning ever. I woke up pretty late than usual and realising that my bakery needs to be opened in an hour, I quickly brushed my teeth and showered. I was in a mood for a long relaxing bath but it was not the day for that. I put on black jeans, maroon spaghetti top and a long peach shrug. I put on my black ankle boots and grabbed the necessities for the shop. I had to bring heart and star shaped mould for cookies, powdered sugar and piping tips.

"Hey Peach! Why are you in a hurry?" Mom said when she saw me running down the stairs.
"Bakery mom. I overslept. Today is Sunday so there's gonna be rush." I said and turned to the door.
"Wait Liv! Just come here one second." I pace walked towards the kitchen. My hands were already full with my helmet on one hand and keys and bakery items on the other. My mom quickly spread butter on a toast and shoved it in my mouth. I playfully glared at her.

"Thank you." I said in a muffled tone and went out. I put all the necessities in my bag, put my helmet on and took off.

It took me ten minutes to reach the shop and I already saw people coming in that direction. I don't want to brag but my shop has always been famous. The guy who used to own this place was pretty good at cooking and recipes. He just wasn't productive enough. He was way too old for that and was often sick so people didn't come to this place often. I was more quick on the feet, taking orders, managing the register, and had his recipes so the shop became popular pretty quickly.
I didn't have time to start baking because customers kept arriving to buy chocolates. It was a miracle that no one came to eat in else I would have gone mad.

"Excuse me! Pardon me! She is my friend." I heard a very familiar voice.
"Damn my knight in shining armour." I said and hugged Mark.
"You are no Damsel but I can see you are in distress." He said patting my back. I moved back and smiled sheepishly.
"Can you please take the register? I have to make coffee and bake cookies."
"Can I do the taste test?" He said adorably. I have never been able to deny him and I don't think I can.
"Sure you can." I said ruffing his hair and went back to the kitchen. I heard him groan and I chuckled. He hates when someone messes with his hair.

"Oh! This one's good." He moaned licking his lips.
"Save that noise for Emma." I said and he blushed.
An hour later, we were done with all the customers and Mark's excitement reached to a whole new level when he heard the 'ding' from oven indicating cookies were ready.

Whole afternoon, he stayed with me helping me with the customers. We both were so tired we decided to close the shop for some time and have lunch in the bakery itself. I changed the sign on the glass doors to 'closed' and went in the kitchen. Just then, I heard the microwave alarm go off signaling that the last batch of mint cookies were done.

I went in expecting Mark to have already eaten half of those but he was busy preparing sandwich for both of us. I took out the tray and put it out on the platform for it to cool down. I saw Mark looking at me with pleading eyes. He had his hands covered in butter and I understood he wanted me to give him a cookie.

"Can you put one in my mouth?" He asked like a baby.
"That's what she said." I said and did as he said. He gave me a pointed look.
"You have a dirty mind, do you know that?" He said while eating and dropping crumbs on the floor.
"You eat like a pig, you know that?" He nodded his head vigorously as if I praised him for something. I heard the bell on the door and frowned. I turned the sign to close, who can it be? I thought. Before going out I pointed at the crumbs he left.

"You are going to clean that up." I said and went out of the kitchen to see Carter coming in. He had a tense posture and he looked kind of mad. Who knows what got into his pants, I thought.

"Hey Carter, what's up? Do you need something?"
"I thought you are closed." He said but he kept his focus behind me.
"We are but I can make an exception for friends." I said and smiled at him. This time, he looked at me and smiled back.
"Okay then, do you make hash brownies?" I gave him a are-you-serious look. He didn't seem to take the hint.
"No Carter, I don't make hash brownies." I said in a bored tone.
"Lame. Then bring me whatever you just made." My eyes lit up in excitement and I heard him chuckling. Maybe I am that obvious but I just love when someone says that. It feels like they trust the chef with the recipe.
"That is a good choice. I will be right back." I said and saw Mark stuffing a cookie in his mouth while he already had another one in his left hand. I quickly took them away and packed some for Carter. Mark tried to protest but I stopped him before he could speak.

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