Odin and Annoying Alarms

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I spent most of the time in my room. I had a project due tomorrow and I was going to paint the ass off it. I decided to paint a women wearing a long white elegant gown having boxing gloves in one hand and books in the other. The background would be a combination of everything I like; cooking, painting, music, literature, travel and fashion. It took me around five hours to finish and when I was satisfied, I carefully packed it for tomorrow. I texted my friends if they have any plans for today and they all were busy. Mark was busy with football and Noah would probably be with Ashley. That just leaves me and Carter. He must have been working on his project as well so I decided not to disturb him. I went to my bakery and started making new recipes. Even though it was Sunday, there was less rush than usual and I was able to experiment a lot. I tried many new stuff and decided to add three new desserts, Fantastic four Mousse, Cheesy Donut and Croissant (I tried baking this for the first time and it was quite successful). I wanted someone to taste before I put it out there and although Mark and mom are the only ones whose opinion I take, they both were busy. 

Liv: Hey! You wanna hang out? I am in the shop.

Gray: Can't resist me for a single day, I see ;)

Liv: You know I can't baby. Come soon!

Gray: Baby? Nice. I will there is fifteen minutes.

True to his words, he came exactly in fifteen minutes.

"On time. Another box checked." I said with a smirk.
"Box? You are keeping tabs on me?"
"I want to know if you are worthy enough to be my boyfriend."
"Okay Odin. Am I worthy yet?" He said with a cheeky grin.
"Desperate, I see."
"You know I am." He said and winked at me. I laughed and went in my shop. He followed closely.

"Okay, so I made new recipes and I want you to try it before I put it on the final menu."
"So I am you Guinea pig?"
"What? No! Just try it." I said and before he could say anything, I took a spoonful of mousse with all the flavors and put it in his mouth. He glared at me because I didn't give him a chance to protest but his expression soon changed to delight.
"This is nice! Damn! I never liked chocolate but I guess you are going to change that for me." He said and tried to take the glass from me but I put it further away.
"You have two other stuff to try out so don't fill up on it." I said and he pouted. He looked adorable and I pat his head like he was a very obedient puppy. I gave him the croissant and he carefully looked at it before taking a small bite.
"Hm.. this is nice but its texture is weird. It's kinda sticking. I think this needs improvement." He said and I would be lying if I said I didn't agree with him. I myself thought it was not perfect.
"I know, I felt that way too but I was too excited to add new stuff in the menu that I ignored that part. It's okay. I will bake it again." I said with a small smile. I gave him the donut to try and he gave me a skeptical look.
"This Donut looks very different than the rest of them. Did you add poison in it?" He said and I rolled my eyes.
"I can't let the world miss out on a model like you. That would be a huge loss for this universe." I said with a dramatic sigh and he laughed at me. 
"I like how much of a Drama Queen you are and you call others that." He said and ate the donut. He eyes widened in surprise and I chuckled.
"You added cheese in this?" He asked with delight and I eagerly nodded my head.
"Yeah. I thought if Chocolate Cheese Sandwich and Choco Lava Cake were a hit, this should be too." 
"It's actually pretty tasty. I can't believe no one ever thought of this before." He said and I smiled excitedly at him.
"So, I guess mousse and donut are a go and croissant needs improvement?" I asked and he nodded. We talked for a while and he helped me manage the shop. I kept asking him if he was really okay with staying with me for so long but apparently he had nothing else to do. How does this guys completes hi work in time is something I will never understand. After we were done, I remembered something that he told me when he was drunk.

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