Something with 'B' and 100% score

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There were two things that were irritating the hell out of me;

1. Sunlight
2. My alarm

It was Saturday for Christ's sake. Why did I keep my alarm on, I had no idea. I groaned and it felt like the sunlight was piercing through my skull. I put my hands on the nightstand trying to find my phone without opening my eyes. When I did, I shut it off and shifted on the other side of bed. My phone beeped with a text and I groaned again. I wanted to see who was it but I just ignored it. I was in few seconds of blissful sleep until the door to my room burst open and I saw a very angry mom standing in there with her hands on her waist.

"It's 12 Olivia. You were supposed to be up by 8. Get the fuck up." She said in a very threatening tone and by now, I would have been in the bathroom but I was too much in pain. I groaned and she sat on the bed beside me.
"Hangover." I barely whispered and she sighed. She went to my bathroom and came back with a pill and a glass of water I kept on my table. I somehow managed to sit up straight with my eyes closed and guessed where she could be. I gulped the pill down and lied back in my bed. 

"Well, since you have a huge headache, I am going to let this day slide but your ass better be down by the afternoon or I will drag you down with your blanket." She said. I hummed in response and she left the room. I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up an hour later and felt much better. I guess the pill mom gave me worked. I checked my phone and there were messages from my friends in our group chat complaining about the headaches. I have no idea what I did last night. I tried thinking about it but everything was blur. I don't even think any of us had any idea about what happened. Last I know, we were making a bet with the guys but I have no idea what it was. I just hope I didn't do something stupid. I sighed and texted my mom that I am up and will get ready. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water engulf me. I sighed and thought about the things we did in the after party. I definitely remember talking to a random guy, his name was Brad? Britt? Brock? I don't remember, something with B. I remember he was flirting with me and Carter came beside me all jealous and possessive. I chuckled at how cute he looked. Flashes of us girls dancing on the table came in and I buried my face in my palms. Someone must have recorded it but I was not ashamed of that. I hardly care what people think about me, though a certain green eyed guy with brown hair's opinion definitely mattered. Last thing I remembered was Carter holding me in bridal style and I was holding his neck so tightly as if he was my life support system. I blushed in embarrassment. I didn't want Carter to think I am some Damsel because I will hate myself if that would be the case. I punched the wall in front me and took a few steps backward in pain. Yup, I hurt myself, I have anger issues. I went out in my towel and I noticed my phone was beeping constantly. I picked it up and saw about hundred text messages from my friends. We added Joe and Chris too in the group chat. It felt weird not to have them with us and I guess they both were glad. I usually thought that football team is a narcissistic asshole but I guess only few of them are cause Chris seems nice. I know Sofia will tell us the details later whenever she feels like it so I am not going to push her. Although, I am curious how this happened. As far as I know, Chris and Sofia have literally opposite personality as Chris is an extroverted guy who loves partying while Sofia is a closet nerd who is extremely smart and knows about present political world. She loves reading and I never thought Chris to be that kind of guy. Well, I guess I will know soon.

I checked those bombarding messages and they were talking about a trip to some beach. I had to drag it down till the origin and apparently they are planning on a weekend getaway.

Liv: What are you guys planning exactly?

Emma: We all were busy with the football match yesterday and decided on a weekend trip to a beach nearby. 

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