Poisons and Hospitals

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Marissa, Olivia's mom above. Enjoy ♥️


Carter's POV

"Marissa, I can explain." I said fumbling with my words. I really wanted her to like me but I am pretty sure whatever I did when I was drunk did not go in my favour.
"That would be good for you." She said patting her legs on the floor impatiently. I tried to bring up with some reasonable explanation but I knew Marissa was no regular mom. She understood teenagers and since Claire told her and got away with it, maybe I can too. Of course she is her daughter but that doesn't make it any less true. Of course I was just trying to convince myself.
"So...uh...what happened was....we fought....I got drunk.... I like her." I stuttered.
"I won't judge you Carter without understanding your side but if your side isn't good enough, I will suggest Olivia to stay away from you." She said and huffed. I panicked. I wanted to give her a nice reasoning but to be fair, I didn't think I have one. Nevertheless, I will tell her everything truthfully and then it's up to her if she buys it.
"So I got into a fight with her..."
"Where you told her, her father left because of her." She cut me off and I gulped. I am so not going to come out as a good person in this story.
"Yes Marissa...." I said but she cut me off again.
"It's Mrs. Claire" She said and I gulped again. Oh this is not a good sign.
"Yes Mrs. Claire I did say that but I didn't mean it. I didn't mean anything I said when we fought. I like her, I really do and I was very jealous when she went out with Nathan and how she spends most of her time with Mark and her friends. I liked seeing her happy but I wanted her to be with me all the time. I know it was a wrong feeling because I can never tell her what to do and what not to do. She is her own person. I realized what horrible mistake I made and wanted to apologize but I was too embarrassed and a little bit scared of her. I had to get drunk to gather up the courage to apologize because I hated not being with her. She forgave me that day. I am really sorry Mrs. Claire, I don't want you think I am a bad person. I screwed up, I know but it won't happen again. I love your daughter way too much to ever hurt her." I finished. She stayed silent for a minute or two and I looked down at my shoes to avoid her gaze. I was way too afraid of her.
"I thought you said you liked her. Do you love her too?" She asked and I looked at her in surprise. She didn't look mad anymore but I was still terrified of her.
"I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet Mrs. Claire." I said and her eyes softened.
"Marissa." She corrected and smiled at her in satisfaction. She is not mad anymore and I guess she was okay with my explanation.
"Thank you for dropping her safely here Carter. She told me what happened when she threw up. You are a nice guy. Stay with her. She needs someone like you with her." She said and smiled.
"I will Marissa. I am not planning on leaving her side anytime soon." I said and she smiled.
"I will be leaving now. My parents are waiting for me as well." I said and she nodded. Just as I reached the door, she called me. I turned around and she came close to me.
"If you ever EVER hurt her again, I will make you pay for it. Or rather she will make you pay for it. If you ever did anything to her without her consent, I will make you beg for mercy." She said in a threatening tone and I looked at her terrified to my bones. After about three seconds, her face broke into a smile and she laughed at me.
"Ah don't worry. I know you are a nice guy. I was just screwing with ya." She said and turned around to leave as if the conversation was over. I know it was supposed to be funny but I think I peed myself a little. I went to my car and took off. Not that I am ever going to  disappoint Claire but if I hurt her, I will be dead within seconds, I thought.

Olivia's POV

Beep beep beep

I groaned and turned to the side shutting my alarm off. I slowly sat straight up adjusting my vision to the sun. I didn't feel any throbbing pain in my head, meaning no headache, which means I drank a lot of water. I tried thinking about what happened last night but all I could remember was everyone's horrible singing, crowd cheering for me and me kicking someone in the nuts.

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