Team Spirit and Uber

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Honestly speaking, I can't get into the technicalities of the game because I didn't know how to. What I do know is it was a really really really close match. Carter made the winning goal and we all cheered for him. He was the star of the match and if you will ask me, I admired him in his each attempt. Twice, he tried to goal and twice his shot was way over the post. I guess regular practice really does affect a player's precision. He had to take the winning goal else it would have been a shame for him. He wasn't bad but he did make huge mistakes though his last goal saved his ass. All of us were hugging each other and chanting Carter's name continuously. As soon as he made the last goal, he didn't care if others were happy, he didn't care if the team was happy, he just looked at me, stared at me for my reaction. I was so much in aw I didn't even react for a while. When it finally registered that we won, I jumped and smiled widely so much so, my cheeks hurt. After he saw how much I loved his game and how happy I was, he went back to his teammates and they all cheered for him. Mark was with the team and they were all talking and laughing at something. I am guessing Mark said something good to Carter because he was scratching the back of his neck meaning he was blushing. 

"Should we go and congratulate them?" Mia asked.
"Nah! We can do that in the after party. I think they will have a talk with their coach. Some team spirit kind of crap." Sofia said and we all nodded in unison. I turned around to leave the ground.
"Not everyone wants to talk to the coach I guess." Emma said and smirked at me. I saw in the direction her eyes were focused on and I saw Carter coming towards me. I thought he was going to talk to me but he didn't stop. He just rushed towards me and engulfed me in a big hug. I was surprised at first but I became comfortable in his touch. I just realized how much I missed being close to him. I was desperately waiting for the match to be over so I could be close to him again. He sighed in relief and I thought he was going to hug a little bit longer but he abruptly pulled away.

"Sorry, I am drenched in sweat." He said and scratched the back of his neck.
"I don't mind." I said and smirked at him. He laughed and shook his head.
"So did you enjoy?" 
"Football? No. You sweating? Absolutely." I said and he smirked.
"Good to know."
"You know what else I would have enjoyed more?" I asked.
"You guys should start playing shirtless." I said and he laughed at me.
"I would have said I am honored but I would be lying. I don't want you to watch others like that." He said and I laughed at how cute and possessive he was being.
"Should I expect you in the after party?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I didn't want to but I have to. Team wants me there. Will you be there?" 
"Obviously. I may not like football but I like parties."
"You just gave me a legit reason to be there." He said and winked at me. 
"Hey Grayson! Come on! Coach is calling us for team photo." Chris called him out and he cursed under his breath.
"See you in the party." I said and winked at him. I left the stands and saw my friends waiting for me in the car. I was so focused on Carter, I didn't even realize they already left the ground.

"I see you are done boning Carter." Ashley said and I smacked her head.
"Not yet. Just casual flirting for now. That will come later." I said and smirked.
"So it will happen?" Mia said and I shrugged.
"Tell me you didn't think about it when you first saw him." I said and she gave me a knowing smirk.
"I wanna say no but I'd be lying." She said.
"Well, I called the shots. Besides, you have Joe Mama for you." I said and everyone laughed. We took our time while driving. It was a peaceful night and Ed Sheeran's Castle on the Hill was on the playlist. We all danced and sang along in the car enjoying the ride. When we were close to the party house, we could here music from a significant distance. We parked the car and jumped out of it. 

"Let's get this party started!" Emma said and we all danced to the house. We got escorted by our guys as soon as we came in. I saw Joe taking Mia's hand and taking her towards the drinks. She must have invited him and they seemed happy together. I was worried that Sofia might get alone until Chris came jogging towards her and she gladly put her hand in his. I gaped at her and she saw my reaction. She mouthed I-will-tell-you-later and I nodded in response. As soon as she was out of sight, I made my way towards the bar and waited for Carter. He said he'd be here but I couldn't find him anywhere. I got a beer and was searching for him when a guy from the team came towards me.

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