Breakdowns and Sarcasm

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Cole Sprouse as Noah. Enjoy♥️


Carter cleared his throat bringing me back from my thoughts.

"You really wanna hear this shit?" He asked still unsure if he should tell me.
"I do." I said and put my hands on his making circles with my thumb on the back of his hand. He intertwined our hands and I felt a jolt of electricity passing through my veins. Not the kind when someone gets electrocuted. It felt exciting and thrilling.

"Okay so here it goes." Carter starter and looked at him again.
"I wasn't always like this. I never used to fool around with girls, I was never even in a casual relationship either. I sort of believed in one true love and all that sappy crap they show in movies. I was a very shy kind of guy, never got into any fights and was sort of a typical textbook nerd. Just kept my head down and moved along with the crowd. Things changed when I met this girl Beck. She was in my mathematics class. She was quite popular and guys fawned over her, that includes me as well. She asked me out once and obviously I said yes. Things were going great until one day, her friend said she was cheating on me. I was so blindly in love with her that I didn't even consider that a possibility. I just thought she was jealous of our relationship or something like that. One evening, on our anniversary, I baked a cake for her and went to her house to surprise her. You can imagine how it turned out. When I entered her house, I saw her legs wrapped around a guy's neck." He finished and my eyes widened in surprise. Why would someone ever cheat on a guy like Carter? I thought. Judging by his expression I knew he still had more to say. I kept my free hand on our intertwined hands and he sighed in relief.

"I didn't know what to do. My mind was blank. When I dropped the cake, I came back to my senses. I left without a word. I don't know if she followed, if she felt guilty. She never contacted me again. I just, I was way too much emotionally invested in that relationship. When I saw her cheating on me, everything broke. I lost all respect I had for her and I don't know how it happened but I just started hating girls in general. I know its unfair but I didn't do it on purpose. She just spoiled everything for me. But there's a part of me that believes that if she comes back, I am so weak for her, I will accept her back with open arms." He said and looked down. I heard him sniffing under his breath. I sat beside him and hugged him on the side. He leaned on my shoulder and I heard him sob. I kept saying soft words to him and patting him on his head. I am not validating his personality but yeah I can understand why he is the way he is.

"Carter, I understand what happened to you was wrong. Beck should never have cheated on you and she is a bitch for that. But do you feel that every girl around you is Beck?" He seemed taken aback by my words and he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I decided to continue.

"Look, I get that Beck did wrong but you are punishing every other girl for what she did. Do you realize how many hearts you have broken?" Again no response. I sighed and went on.
"Your shitty past can never be an excuse enough to treat other people like the way you do. Yeah someone did a number on you but you are doing the same thing to others. You are the bad guy in their story." I said and finished my drink. He looked at me for about five minutes and opened his mouth to say something again but again nothing came out.
"Grey, you okay?" I said and he snapped out of his thoughts.
"Shit Liv no! Fuck I did wrong. Damn! I never thought from their perspective and kept screwing with them." He said panicking.
"Hey hey Carter, it's okay. Look, you are not perfect. People make mistakes. It's fine. Learn from them and move on." I said. Actually there was one other thing that he could do but I think right now would not be a good time. He smiled at me.

"You wanna leave?" I asked him.
"Yeah. I guess." He said looking down. If I didn't now any better, I would have thought he was shy but that was hard to believe for Carter Grayson.
"Yeah, it's pretty late." I said awkwardly.

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