Kisses and Sherlock Holmes

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I didn't pull back because I needed to know if I wanted to take this further, to take us further but I got the answer pretty soon. His kiss was perfect, like if I search on Google 'How to kiss', every technique that it could possibly suggest was there. They only and most important issue was, there were no sparks. Nothing. It just felt like a plain old kiss and I didn't feel bad because somewhere deep down, I already knew.

He pulled back and smiled at me. I guess he didn't feel the same way.

"So, see you on Saturday?" He said looking at me hopefully. I bit my lip forming words that would hurt least.
"Nathan, here is the thing!"
"Oh not the thing. I hate the thing. What's the thing?" He asked groaning. He obviously didn't expect this.
"I am sorry Nathan but I don't see this going anywhere and I really don't want to lead you on. Maybe it's not you, it's me. I just got out of a pretty serious relationship so maybe I am not ready to date yet." I said biting the inside of my cheek. He looked at me for a moment and then smiled sadly at me.
"I understand." He said and bent down to kiss my cheek.
"See you tomorrow in school." He said and went to his car. I waited by my door and waved him goodbye. Just as he left, I saw Carter standing in front of his bike facing me looking very pissed. I walked up to him and he looked at me with a very angry expression.

"What's with you?" I asked. He took a moment to register my question and his face immediately changed to expressionless.
"Nothing. You look nice!" He said giving me a fake smile. I frowned at him but decided to go along with it anyway.
"Thanks!" I said and looked down at myself. My girlfriends decided to dress me up in a classy way and that was good considering the restaurant Nathan took me to. I was wearing a plain red half sleeves one piece that came just above my knees. I have to admit, I looked pretty good. My hair was given a wavy look and they did bare minimum make up. I loved the way I looked.
"So, what are you doing here?" I asked Carter but he was staring me up and down.
"I was just in neighborhood. Thought I would stop by." He said meeting my eyes.
"Oh that's sweet. Did you think anything about our project?"
"I did but I couldn't come up with anything concrete."
"Yeah, I didn't have time to think about it." I said and his eyes hardened. He didn't say anything but then he smiled.
"How about I come to your house tomorrow? We can think about the project together." He said excitedly. I thought about this but I couldn't find a single reason against it. My mom is usually away and I do know that Carter is a nice guy. I will let my mom know, of course.
"Sounds good." I said and his eyes sparkled. Does his eyes sparkle like this around others as well? I thought. For some reason, I didn't like it. I was being way more possessive than I should have and I became uncomfortable. I shrugged that feeling and talked to Carter for a while. He seemed fine after we were done talking and I kept thinking what he might be feeling when he first saw me this evening but I couldn't think of anything. Maybe I could ask Emma what she thinks.

I went inside home and went straight to my room. I went in my bathroom took a long shower. My mind wandered about the events that happened today. Nathan was really nice all the time. When he pulled up in front of my house and saw me, he complimented me. The restaurant he chose was really nice and the food was great too. We talked about many things, I told him about my hobbies and how I love trying new things out. I told him about the bakery I own and he was very impressed. He said he heard about it but he never got around into trying something from there. He told me about his hobbies and that his mom is a painter and holds various art exhibitions around the world. The conversation was pretty good and he cared about me the whole time. he was polite not just to me but also to the waiters. He was prince charming. An image of Taylor popped in my head and how perfect he was to me all through those years. I couldn't stick with Taylor and I said no to Nathan. I felt like I might never find someone with whom I feel happy and thrilled. I sighed and dried myself. I quickly changed into shorts and comfy t-shirts and went down to cook dinner. I decided to just stick with macaroni and cheese. My mom came out of her room drying her hair.

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