3.11 Li Yuming

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Li Yuming contemplated for half a day, and the results of his decision were present the next day.

Ash woke up and found Li Yuming packing his toys, accessories, and packing some snacks for him to eat later. He wonders why he was doing that when they locked on each other's eyes.

 Almost immediately, Li Yuming smiled at him and gave him a hug with a sweet greeting. Ash rubbed his head against the crook of his neck before stretched his limbs first and yawned.

"Ash, come here and eat first, I will just take a bath and get ready before the Manager comes to pick us up." He said and went to the bathroom. 

'Inconsiderate master! Don't you know dining with family is most important? Hmph! Go take your bath and I will finish my food! Hmph!' Ash thought as he feeds himself and took his 'bath' and pounce on his bag to look for his jeweled collars. 

"Oh, you want this quartz collar today? No problem, Ash!" Li Yuming who just went out of the bathroom saw his cat holding the collar on his mouth, went in front of him, and put it on his neck.

"I will be quick, just wait for me here, Ash," Li Yuming said before he went back inside his room and changed into his casual clothes before going back inside the living room all fresh and neat looking. 

While washing their food bowl and plates, the doorbell rang, Ash notified Li Yuming and opened the door by himself, it was Li Yuming's Manager and Assistant.

"Oh Hello Ash, Good morning," The Manager greeted Ash who nodded his head and went back to sit on the couch to play with his tablet. The Manager and the Assistant went to the Kitchen and found Li Yuming packing their lunch- master and pet's- for later.

"Hey Li Yuming, are you sure that you will seriously make the agency hire Ash as a model? Won't that plan backfire?" The Manager asked him worried,

 "Oh don't be such a worrywart, Manager. They will love Ash." Li Yuming said with a smile on his face.

"Even if they do love him, will there ever be companies that will hire Ash?" He can't help but ask the model.

"Can't you just live in the present first and enjoy life? This is why you get so old too easily! Always worried over little things!" Li Yuming turned around and faced his Manager before he  pointed at him,

"Come and help us go to the car now, no more conversations about this," He added before giving the two of them their bags. 

"Ash, we will be going now, I have to put your tablet inside the bag," Li Yuming bent down to take the tablet from Ash who lazily stretched his body before exiting the condo with him. 

After locking the condo unit, they all boarded the car and left towards Li Yuming's Agency, Floral Modeling Agency.

When they got inside the building, the security didn't let Ash be inside the building, Li Yuming was dissatisfied with the guard and directly called the head of the Agency to be granted VIP access for using his private elevator. The Guard was left with no choice but to let them through and they road the private elevator towards the top floor of the building- the CEO's office.  

"Welcome! Welcome back Li Yuming! So happy to see you," The person in Khaki clothes greeted Li Yuming warmly before they briefly hugged each other and exchanged pleasantries.

"Liam, I am here to make a request from you," Li Yuming immediately get straight to the point and sat on the couch on the opposite side of the CEO,

"Sure, do tell me what do you want?" Liam asked with a business-like smile.

"I want you to hire my pet into a one-year modeling contract." Li Yuming said in a serious voice while staring into his eyes,

"Pet? contract? into my Floral Modeling Agency? Li Yuming are you out of your mind?" Liam asked with a frown while looking at Li Yuming closely if he has a fever or something.

"I am not, and I have proof why you need to hire my pet." Li Yuming said in a proud voice that pique Liam's interest, Giving the folder that Li Yuming got from his manager, he watched his friend open the envelope and sift through the pictures inside. 

"Hmm..." Liam made a noise while looking closely at the photos. Li Yuming met his stares before asking, 

"Where is the model himself?" Liam asked and they both looked at Li Yuming's side when a large body jumped lightly up on the sofa and sat in an elegant manner.

"Liam, let me introduce to you my pet, Ash. He is a large cat and he is very photogenic, he is understanding and obedient, there's nothing else like him in this word!" Li Yuming endorsed his pet while looking at Liam with a serious and slightly nervous look on his face.

" Ehmm... If that is the case- then immediately go and test him!" Liam stood up and phoned his secretary to find a vacant outdoor park for them to use while inviting their agency's best photographer for a quick photo shoot. 

They went down the building using the private elevator again and went outside to play in the nearest park. 

Li Yuming looked around the place before bending down and releasing the harness around Ash's body.

"Don't worry Ash, just be yourself and carry yourself in the most beautiful- I mean handsome way you can!" Li Yuming gave an awkward smile when Ash gave him a pointed look because of his wording.

"then we will start now, Sir P, please start the photoshoot," Liam said and sat next to  Li Yuming to watch the show.




"This is quite entertaining I guess," Liam squinted while he looks at the photo of the cat from the monitor they set up after the shoot.

"He really does have a sense for the camera, however, Li Yuming, my question is- why only now?" Liam asked him with curiosity on his face.

"Oh that, it was because of Ash being overseas that time, so do not worry, we won't fly without checking our schedule and telling our managers." Li Yuming said with an awkward smile on his face. 

"Oh... so he's an American?"

"No-no! Chinese!"

'I am nowhere knew those breeds! I am not a housecat! ' Ash was dissatisfied with the two bickering friends/ CEO and Model, it made Ash have a great sense of deja vu just now... and that made him shudder. 


A/N: Hello everyone! Another update! yay!

The minigame is still ongoing so I hope that everyone will be enthusiastic to participate!

>Reach 360K overall reads!

>16 K votes

>Two more readers needed for the next Arc's MC interaction~ Who will be the lucky two, hmm? (❤'艸`❤)

See you all Soon!!!

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