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Bao finished explaining his method, The others were still perplexed at it, but they cannot do anything but accept. Besides! The food Bao makes is delicious! This one should also be delicious! (๑╹ڡ╹)

As Bao walk away towards the river, Ying came up and followed him. Both holding their torches.

"Bao di! Your human form is really astonishing! Youre a few inches taller than me! Hahaha! I must say, It hurts my pride as a Heir to see someone whose taller than me,"- Ying said seriously. Bao would've thought he's angry at him, but when he look at his eyes- its shining even!

'( ー̀ωー́ ) Ying Ge! What are you looking at? Why look at me like that? Am I a toy to you? What makes you so excited I feel scared all of the sudden?'

"BAO! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE!" Ying said excitedly. Bao blinked his bored and half lidded eyes. Ying watched as those bored eyes of his turns wide and unblinking at him.

Ying laughed heartily as he patted Bao's shoulder.

"Who would've thought, This Bored looking Bao can have such a cute reaction? Hahaha!"-Ying laughed again.

"Who would've thought the strict and upright Ying of GLC can laugh so heartily like someone is tickling him?"- Bao's expression returned and he said that in a bored tone before jumping to the water in his Caracal form.

Ying's eyes narrowed and watch the cat. Obviously he doesn't want to fight him! Hmph! Not manly at all!

Bao was busy swimming around when a hand grabbed him from his scruff and dangle him in the air. He made a shocked sound before trying to swivel around to see who was holding him.

"Bao di, How dare you turn down my challenge,"- Bao almost rolled his eyes as he heard Ying's voice.

"Ying ge! Put me down this instant!"

"See! Playing deaf already!"

"Can't you spare tonight? I spent the whole day walking and killing and even cooking tonight! Im sluggish and not in the proper mind to fight you!"

"Then I'll wash you up!"

"Sh--"  sh**!!

Bao suffered from the large hands of Ying. He felt like his bones and muscles were crushed, pulled and joined together again. He doesn't have the heart to stop this soft hearted Lion- BUT HE'LL DIE IF NOBODY TRIED TO SAVE HIM NOW! *SOB SOB*

"Ying,"- Ying look towards the edge of the water and saw Shuu and Lu staring at them. Their faces illuminated with the torches in their hands.

"What is it?" He asked casually.

"The caracal is dying on your hands,"- Lu said without a care. Shuu also nodded to his words. Looking down, he saw Bao laying limp on his palms. He can even see a white stuff escaping Bao's mouth.

'Is this his soul? Eeh, I tried to control my strength why is he so tender?'

If Bao heard his thoughts, He will cry out indignantly!

"Who?! Whose tender?! Who controlled his strength!?! YOU CRUSHED MY BONES DAMNIT YING!!!! GO PLAY WITH SHUU INSTEAD! IM NO MATCH FOR YOU!"

Bao immediately swim away from Ying as fast as a speed of lightning. The three heirs all watched him take off dumbfounded. Shuu snapped out of his thoughts and look at Ying's sexy wet upper body, eyes cannot shine so bright anymore!

"Ying! You should sleep early, Get out of the water already,"- Shuu told him and he complied. When the two left, Lu was still looking at the Caracal whose yet to surface up the waters.

"Oi, Kit, Did you die?" Lu walk towards his direction and sat on the edge. He cannot through the water, but it already start to calm down.

"Where's that Kit?"- Lu mumbled as he lean more.


"What the-"

"*coughs hard*"

Lu blinked as he laid sprawled on the ground, eyes unblinkingly staring up to Bao's red face. His cat eyes watery and bright from the light coming off the torches. Skin glowing from the water dripping down from his hair , his back, his chest- everywhere! Lu felt something crawl up his chest.

"*coughs harder* Damn weeds! Tangling around my body! I'll pull you iff tomorrow! Troublesome plants! Hmph!"- Bao then look up and met Lu's unblinking eyes. He blinked before looking at their position.

If others were to see them, he's the one in disadvantage! HE'S COMPLETLY NAKED OKAY!? SO EMBARRASSING!

He quickly jumped away and wear his clothe before going to Lu and offering his hand, they both look at each other before Lu look at his outstretched hand.

"What happened earlier, do not tell anyone... Please,"- Bao muttered as he didn't wait for Lu to answer and immediately pull him up and walk off with his torch.

"This brat..."


Before Bao could sleep ontop of the tree branches, His System went online.


"Oh? Youre back, how's the investigation?"

[ Host I saw the evidences] System flashed the pictures he took around the clans and a cave that's been blocked and guarded by White Tiger Clan.

Bao look at it thoroughly before resting his eyes on the blocked cave.

"That cave is?"

[The ancestral graves of Feline Clans.... Caracal Clan]

Bao's eyes narrowed as he ponder on this.

"Who is to blame?"

[All the five Feline Clans.... They... They team up and overthrow the Caracal Clan, spouting lies and ill-rumours that Caracal Clan is a threat and power-hungry clans of Felines...Host.... System was wrong]

"En, I know. Its good that you know and reflect to your actions. For now, did you take any evidence inside the Graves that will confirm that I'm one of their Clan?"

[Here Host, this necklace is to say... the tooth of every Caracal Clan's Leader. They engraved their names there and let the next generation take over after their death.]

Bao twisted the teeth necklace on his fingers before placing it around his neck.

"I have a task for you, Find me a dessert eagle and give me something to manipulate it and make it loyal to me. I need that animal to be my eyes and ears around the five clans."

[Yes, I'll send it to you tomorrow before daybreak.] Bao nodded and closed his eyes.

"How's the heart scale by the way? "


SHUU: 5%





"Not bad... I'll sleep now,"

[Yes, Good night Host]


(⊃д⊂) Author have alot to do... But I'll take a nap first before doing my school work before updating again, PRAY THAT AUTHOR WILL REALLY FINISH IT ALL!!! *CRY CRY CRY*


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