1.4 Jūn Rén

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When Host woke up, the system has been back online and was dutifully trying to wake it up,

[Host! You're a female feline in this world! Also, what sort of sorcery did you create?! The Heart Scale is on blue meter!!! You're so awesome! System is truly awed!]

'Wth are you saying?! blue meter?! I've been hating that ML since the beginning! Is he a retard?!' Host fumed as she scrunched her face, it looks quite adorable on her feline face,

[Wah host! blue meter is slowly leveling up! 20% ....23... 25%! Is this ML having a feline kink?!] Even the system started to doubt the ML herself,

While the two Host-System are talking, The certain ML their talking about was having a plan to take the feline, the maid and a few necessities it will need to his work while blatantly filling half of his office with a "cat environment", when the System told that to her Host, Host think her mind exploded!

'Shameless! Retarded!'- Host wanted to strangle this ML in anger!

[Host! Host calm down! The plot is gonna start today, you must not let ML have good feelings with FL! You still have a mission!] System frantically tried to calm her host down and she succeeded,

'F-Fine! If its what I need to do to live then so be it! Let's tag along with this retarded person'- Host jumped down from the bed and stretched her body, a quiet cute yawn resounded on the bedroom before she trotted towards the maid she was familiar with and look at her in anticipation,

'Help me for today! Bathe me! Feed me! Pamper me! Come on!' -Host can't wait to start the day and her mission,

But not within few seconds, she was swoop up to someone's strong sturdy arms from behind and directly brought to the bathroom, then she was under the warm shower head, Host was dumbfounded! This ML! Take care of me gently! Im a pet not a human!

She run off to the other side of the bathroom glaring hatefully at ML and the shameless man didn't even paid attention to her expression, and even purposely taking off ALL his clothes in front of her!

'Your mother! Oi! This is abuse! Sexual harassment! Someone let me oooout!!!!'- Scratching the door with desperate cries to leave from this beast' claws, she was really unsuccessful! The retard guy even dared to hug her body so intimately and soap her up,

'You're naked! Let me go!!! I'M A VIRGIN LADY! IM NOT A FELINE!!!!! My eyes! My eyes!!!' Host' frantic wails inside her mind showed up in her face, but it was misunderstood by ML,

'This feline, she's so adorable, her big ocean blue watery eyes are so pleasant, Un, this is enough, she might catch cold' -ML stood up and wrapped themselves with towels and carefully rubbed Host dry, where she was enjoying herself from all the gentle rubs and careful strokes ML done for her,

'Unnn~ so good! ML-ah! Treat me good, then I'll be good too' Host think before rubbing her face against his palm, ML's heart swelled as he carefully and gently held Host on his arms and go to his walk in closet to get dressed, he wore a white polo shirt and denim jeans and hooked up his aviator shades on his breast pocket, then he carefully hold Host to brush her fur up gently, ordering the maids and butlers to prepare a good meal for them to eat,

'Is this the life in the lap of luxury? So amazing~'

She was well groomed, well fed and taken good care of, she's very satisfied, As they go inside ML's expensive car, a soft red cushion with gold lining was in the passenger seat, Host quizzically look at ML, ML just put her there comfortably and then drive towards his company building,

When they arrived at the main office, Host was really awed,

'Is this an office or what?'- Host walk towards the green mat and look up to the cat tower, cat food, water bowl, lots of toys and cat stuff toys, all the cat's need and want to play with are all there,

ML was watching his cat's reaction, somehow the cat looks dumbfounded, what's wrong? Is it too... pink?

'You really emphasize my gender ML-ah' -Host climbed up the cat tower and lazed on the top most floor, eyes watching ML, as she laze on the cat tower, ML was being distracted on working, His cute cat was staring at him like a predator to its prey, yet his feelings were of bliss and heavenly feeling,

'I knew it! I'm too handsome, even my pet is dazzled with my looks'- ML thought as he started working again, Meanwhile, Host was looking through a surveillance from her Feline System where the monitors tells where the FL was, She's currently in the selection of the top 100 contestants to go to the live broadcast,

As she think of a plan suitable for today, the assistant of ML came in and told him the results, a sinister thought flashed through Host's mind,


[Yes host?]

"Let's keep this FL and play"- Host smiled evily as her tail flicked,

[E-Eh?! H-Host! Your mission!] System cannot understand her Host at all,

"Nothing taste so bitter than being given of false hope, Let's keep her in the competition, slowly, I will kill her reputation, her good image on ML and destroying her life with the influence of Virtual World, Isn't that nice? Make her taste life worst than death"- Host laugh maniacally, Making the System frightened and shock!

'This... What happened to my host?!!!!'

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