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Host woke up muddled-headed and her body was very sore. Her face twisted sourly as she opened her eyes and sat up from the white comfortable bed.

The place she was in now- it was back then before they entered the first world. She decided to examine her appearance as a human.

Black shoulder-length wavy hair, jade-like white skin that looks soft, small almond eyes, button nose, and petal-like pink lips. Her dress was a white simple dress. She looks very cute,

[Host! You're finally awake! You stupid host! Why did you die so fast?! It's not even a full year when you get there yet you've been easily dealt with?! Unbelievable!]-Feline System went online and immediately nagged on its host. The host was helpless at its nagging system, Letting it vent its anger first before speaking.

"The first world is too dangerous... that Jun Ren... I almost fell in love with it. So I hastened my pace and immediately ended the mission, How was it, by the way, My status?"- she asked it.



LEVEL: 2/100

EXP: 2000





"Hey! My intelligence is not that low!"- Host pouted,

[Its according to the First world, meaning its you being a cat, Don't be so down] Feline system said without making eye contact.

"By the way, I suddenly got into level 2 and still have 2000 points? Why?"

[Because you completed almost all of the missions, except for one. Anyways, Since you reached the highest number in the Heart scale, the reward is big and you leveled up fast.]

"Ooh...."- Host just nodded,

[Do you want to look at the Previous Mission World after your death?]- System asked its Host. Silence ensued, It can see that its Host was hesitating.

"Y-Yes! I want to s-see"- Host stuttered and looked at the blue screen that popped out before her.

[As you can see, Here are the results of your death:

Jun Ren was driven mad and threw that Female lead b*** out of his glass window, Which is If I may remind you- A 30th-floor building. She came out to be barely alive and in a vegetable state (limp and unable to move). She was then hidden in ML's Mansion to continue to torture her until her last breath as compensation for losing you. Xui Li won the competition and helped boost her father's brand and became a successful person. She also became a friend of ML despite the large ice walls he created between them.

Also, Your Jun ren created a crystal memory of you and always carries it wherever he goes to remind him of his cat. He became more stoic, more cold, more irritable, and also became a demon lord *sweat drops*

The Internet learned of your death and offered condolence to ML. Some of your fans created miniatures of you, keychains, necklaces, and fanarts to remind them and ML himself about you. To summarize it all, Host, You were loved.]- System said and turned off the blue screen.

Silence greeted them once again. This time, its Host was silently crying bitterly.

After a few more moments.....

[Do you want to go to the next mission world?]

"Uhm... I would like to make a request" the host suddenly said, The System looked at her in question,

"I want... I want... C-Can I...."- Host suddenly became timid and a stuttering mess. The system still remained silent and let her her for a while.

"I... I want to lock my memories... from the different mission worlds to come... every time we get back to this white space, Please seal it away. All of it,"- She said, looking towards the Feline System. The system was silent,

[You know, it could help you grow as a human being... albeit a soul only,]- The system said. Host shook her head and smiled at it, her emotions were well-kept.

"I will be a pet in all these worlds, Nobody will see me as a human being wanting to have a romantic relationship with, these excess feelings, please seal it to not affect my missions,"- she said. System nodded and did it as she requested.

[Lay on the bed and close your eyes]- Host nodded and did what she was told,

[I will only lock the feelings you felt on this first world. The memories, You can keep, that's the last thing I could do]

"Yes... that's okay too" the host said and closed her eyes. A bright light enveloped Host's body and a floating orb emerged above her heart. The system took that orb and placed it on a tall shelf. The orb glowed with a yellow-brown color. The system thought it was such a sad color for yellow...and its host. The host was left in a coma for a short time.

After a few weeks of sleeping, Host woke up and remained like her usual self.

"System, I had my rest now, What is the next mission world?"- she asked,

[It's a PRIMITIVE World, meaning a less advanced and out of your normal world's lifestyle. You'll know when we get there]

An uneasy feeling swept across her belly. This... does this mean there are wild and dangerous beings?!!!

The expression was missed by the system as it got ready to transfer Host.

[Don't worry, You'll be safe. Just be careful always.]

"I-I'll try!"- Host was still nervous.

[Ready for the transfer?]

"I-I have no choice, haha *awkward laugh* L-Let's go,"- She gulped and said resolutely.

Am I able to compensate for the lost everyone???? IM SORRY!!! I JUST SUDDENLY HAVE THAT URGE TO BREAK THEM UP AND LEAVE THEM IN THEIR SEPARATE WAYS ITS just like that('-ω-`) Im sorry everyone, Forgive me!!!! (( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ)

Besides! This August I could do something good on the 2nd Arcs and the Following arcs so Let me have the rest of the month to the drafting okay? 😅

Im very glad you all Like the 1st Arc! IT FLEW WITH GOOD COLORS (im just gonna say good since some of you opposed to Host dying a tragic death)

And let me remind you guys!

Yes! PET SYSTEM IS ONLY WITH FELINE SYSTEM WHICH MEANS.... YES. Host! Will be a Cat!/Feline! From all the transmigation process! Not a dog! Or Bird! Hamster, Snake, Wolf, bear or any sort of animals! JUST. FELINE.

Hope you all support the PET SYSTEM!

ALSO. Newbie Host is gonna recheck How Patreon works Because I am an idiot who didn't know how everything works and just trying things so I'm gonna go mute for now.


❤∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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