Chapter 5

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He was not what I expected.

I thought he would be old. Like really old.

But truth was he hadn't aged much since i saw him last, he wore a soft blue cloak and knee high laced up boats, black pants and a short sleeved top. His hair was as black as mine. In fact, he looked like me- but obviously in guy form and like 20 years older.

"Tati rag doll? Is that you?"

He used the name he used to call me- one my mother still used on occasion.

"It's me papa."

He stood up and ran down the stairs and the next thing i knew i was wrapped in his warm embrace. One that i had missed so much.

Okay I'll admit. I thought i could be angry at him for leaving us. But i couldn't. Well not yet anyway. "Come little princess, follow me, we can talk in private- I'm sure there is much you want to ask me" he started to lead me through some smaller double doors, i looked back a Flynn. I hadn't been anywhere in this world with out him to guide me, so i was a little nervous. He gave me a thumbs up and left the room.

Dad lead me to a medium sized room that held a single desk and lounge, as i looked around i saw several photos of my mum and me, i guess he did care after all.

"Well, um welcome i guess Tatiana. You know, it may not seem like it but i have missed you- a lot." He sat down and looked at me expectantly.

"Then why did you leave us?

Why would you leave your wife and little girl?" All of my anger towards him was coming back. Fast.

"I had to. I was abandoning my people here, i wanted to take you with me but your mother didn't want you to grow up in this kind of atmosphere- being followed or escorted by a guard, learning the ways of royal life and learning magic, she didn't want anything to do with this world and she didn't want you part of it either."

I looked around the room some more, i was nervous and trying to control my angel which boiled my blood. I was furious with everything.


"I guess i deserved that."

I scowled at him, feeling a little better about myself. "Yeah you did."

We continued to have a civil conversations me raising my voice every now and again and him explaining that after the attack of the trolls, he realized the danger i was in to come and get me, after he had sent Flynn to come and get me and being me 'home'

How could one feel at home in a house or castle this big? With this many people in it? Dad told me there were over 200 workers here in all from the gardeners, to the cooks to the housekeepers and servants. So how is this like a home?

"What about Maggie?" I whispered.

Pain, anger and sadness crept over his wise features "she was mad. She was angry about how things were run.

You see Maggie was a beautiful child, she loved nature and the animals, and one day she was riding her horse Thunder in the woods. She met a stranger, an old women begging for help. Maggie had a soft heart and she helped the women. But the women kidnapped her and tortured her. After her being out for 3 hours i sent a search party for her, and all they'd found was the horse. Dead on the ground we suspected it was trolls or goblins but we were uncertain. The whole village was searched, but she wasn't found.

5 days had passed and we were all on edge. When she appeared on the door step, with broken ribs and a broken arm. Burn marks on her and branding marks. She had a scratch on her face that turned into a scar. She never really told us what happened to her, but from that day fourth she was never the same. Angry all the time and obsessed with the idea of her ruling. She felt no real emotion. And one day she ran away. We saw her a year later with an army of trolls and goblins and every other creature of the darkness and she waged an attack on our village. It was a 2 day long battle, that we only just won. By this time she was 12 years old. We haven't seen her since."

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