Chapter 11

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There was quiet small talk between the tribal leaders, their other representatives, talking to one another in a circle, me? I stood on the side- I knew these people but, after a few years ago none of them wanted to know me.

Elizabeth and I were baby sitting our little sister, Rosemary who was 5 years old. we were dancing around to some of our parents favorite music, one of the only things we had left of them. in the lounge room of our house, (we have a house, but usually stay at the castle) when Rosemary went to get her teddy bear. It was about 2 minutes later when we saw the flames.

Fire was everywhere but the lounge room. We couldn't stop them, we had affinities earth. I told Elizabeth to get help, while I went to find Rosemary. I screamed out her name, but the house was so large, and over the crackle of the flames moving its way to every corner of the house. I knew she probably couldn't hear me. I ran dodging falling wooden beams and walls, "Ro..! Rosemary...!"

"Flynn.. Help me!" Ro screamed. I ran towards her panicked voice. I found her in the toy room, huddled in a corner, her dress singed and bear more ash then well bear, I tried to get her out but the beams from the roof fell and I couldn't see her anymore, the beams became fuel for the flames and which became fuel for more smoke. It burned my eyes, I screamed for her to come towards my voice but all I heard in response was a crackling of flame. Eventually I pushed past the fallen beams, burning my hands as I went which is why I have scars in them now. I hunted for my sister but all I found was a lock of her hair.

The body was found after the flames had been put out, she was crushed under the parts of fallen roof. And I was blamed.

The funeral was 1 week later and I was tried for murder, the king knew my fondness for Ro, and never blamed me. He could sense if a person was guilty, which made him a powerful king and asset to trials which happened very rarely. Though he said I was innocent, people still thought it was me.

I shuddered at the memory, little Rosemary's screams haunting my mind.

When we were called to order, we took our seats, I sat next to the king on his right. The company here were all dressed in lavish gowns and expensive suits it was quiet a sight.

The silent ones, sat there on the side listening to everything, they don't really talk much- if a fight breaks out they step in but that's all. And only if its serious too.

"Tribes, Silent Ones, welcome to the annual meeting of Peace.

Today we must talk about the growing unrest between the tribes. Perhaps it wasn't best for us to live together. Though you would all agree that it has been beneficial."

As soon as King Chiron spoke. There was immediate silence his voice dominating the room.

"There is no distaste throughout the tribes" Malchelzidec, leader of the fire tribe said in a thick Russian accent.

"If your tribe would stop setting fire to everything there might be less of it" the water tribe leader said standing up out of his chair.

"You. You blame this on me!? You're tribe is full of whiney losers who-"

there was an ear pricing scream. It sounded like thousands f Desmond screaming at once. My ears burned and the ground shook. It seemed to go on for hours.

when it stopped we looked around. Who did that!? "Silence...! Now anyone who can tell me who that was, step forward calmly now." King Chiron like us, was getting over the noise.

Everyone spoke at once, blaming each other in a rush of movement and disorganization. When a single figure stepped out of the shadows, it was Tatiana- well her imposter anyway, Tatiana's beautiful face changed into the scowling one of Maggie. Well, what looked like her anyway.

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