Chapter 9

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Authors Note:

IF you like it please help me get more readers by telling people about it, please fan me and I will fan back :) I hope you're enjoying my story so far.Thank you for reading! :D

love from dream_catcher15


I was told the princess got suddenly ill, so i went down to the courtyard, where Ryan was playing with her friend Sceran (pronounced: see-ran) "Flynn!" They shouted and ran over to me. "Hi girls, what are you up to?" We are just playing, mama wants us home soon, Sceran is staying at mine tonight, isn't that cool" they had big grins on their faces at they continued chasing each other around. "Very cool, well have fun you too, don't get up to to much mischief". I laughed and kept walking.

Life had been good, Tatiana was my almost official girlfriend and she was letting me teach her the guitar- which she wasn't much good at though i would never tell her that. She seemed to be embracing the feminine side of her, she wore dresses without complaint and let the nymphs fawn over her- she almost enjoyed it.

Tatiana got on great with her father and honestly she reminded me of her sister Maggie.

That night, when i was going up stairs to my room, i walked past Tatiana's and heard her talking.

"It's going fine. He believes me and we will hit a home run soon enough."

I accidentally knocked a vase off of it's pedestal. I heard footsteps edging toward the door i knocked instead. "Flynn, what are you doing?" She asked, she still wore a gown which was odd- usually she got out of it as soon as she could. "Why did you knock the vase off? I rather liked it."

I studied her face. "I came to say good night my princess, it was an accident. I tripped."

"Well good night" she closed the door and i walked away.


I was not sure how long i had been in this hole but i was cramping up. I got ufood every day, which consisted of stale bread and warm water and sometimes a few veggies.

I had tried to reach out for Flynn in his dreams like Levon had attempted to teach me, we had only scratched the surface of this magic but i tried my hardest.

I closed my eyes and thought of Flynn. How happy he made me and our memories. Then i focused on his mind. Yelling out his name. It was like a mental video call. This time for the 14th night i had tried. I think i got through.

Suddenly i materialized in his room. "Flynn?"

"Princess, i thought if you wanted to spend time with me you would of worn something sexier." He smirked... WHAT?!

"I don't know what you're talking about but someone must of noticed i am missing"

He laughed at me.

"You're in the room 10 doors down Tatiana. Stop joking around. This is some neat magic but i wanna sleep"

"Flynn. I'm locked in a cage 40ft in the air surrounded by monsters. And i have been for ages."

A look a surprised look dawned on his face. "Of course. Princess do you know where you are?"

My image flickered. "I don't know somewhere in a place called Hecate's river, i don't know how long i can hold this, you must help be and be warned there are heaps of them!"

"Keep in there, I'm coming"

I lost connection and woke up, my

cage was being lowered and there were 2 unfriendly looking monsters walking toward me. They unlocked the door and dragged me out. I didn't speak but followed them. I was freaking out. My gown was torn and dirty, my hair probably looked like a rats nest. "Walk faster" monster 1 growled. My legs were weak and my eyes hurt at the sudden brightness. "New cage for little lady" monster number 2 screeched. I was lead to a bigger space with a slightly bigger cage. It was lowered down and then i was shoved in.

This room was brighter than the last one and i couldn't help but notice the other cages surrounding the one i was in. Cages with dead animals and other mythical looking creatures. The stench was overwhelming. The cage closest to mine had a bundle if rags in it. I looked closer and realized the bundle of rags was a person.

"Who's there?" i whispered after the door had slammed shut. There was a bit of movement and i saw a face.

"Jenna...Jenna Jenkins.." She whispered. Then collapsed.

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