Chapter Five

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Third Person P.O.V

For the past weeks it was the same routine for Alexandra, make breakfast, sleep during the day, stay up for when Bella screams, help the girl go back to sleep, do her homework while she's awake and then make sure Bella has everything for school. Her sleeping schedule was horrible as she had adjusted to being awake at night. She was going to head to Bella's room when Charlie had stopped her. He had started worrying for her when he saw the unhealthy habits she had now picked up.

"Why don't you go get some sleep? I'll make sure Bella is okay." Alexandra frowned as she looked back at Bella's door. "But she likes me being there for when I wake her up." Alexandra sighed as Charlie blocked her way to Bella's room. "Fine." She mumbled as she climbed back up the latter and into her room upstairs. Alexandra flopped down on her bed and closing her eyes, falling asleep soon after.


"So what's going on?" Alexandra asked Bella tiredly days later as Bella waited for the phone to ring. "Billy said Jake has real bad mono and he won't answer any of my calls." Alexandra frowned as she stared at Bella before coming up with an idea. "Why don't we go see him then? We can bring him a get well soon plant." She told Bella before running upstairs and grabbing one of the newer plants she was growing.

Alexandra came back down to Bella pulling on her jacket. "Where are you two going?" Charlie asked as he walked over to them, Harry right next to him. Alexandra hastily slipping on some shoes. "To go check up on Jake, I also have a plant for him." She explained to him before rushing out the door and into the rain, Bella having already started the truck.

Alexandra frowned as they pulled up, she watched as Jacob walked in the rain shirtless and in a pair of shorts. "If he isn't sick, he might as well be now." She muttered, shielding the plant from the rain as she got out with Bella. "Jake! Hey!" Bella briskly walked over to Jake, Alexandra right next to her as her hair was now soaking wet. "You cut your hair off?" Alexandra questioned as she stared at his now short hair. "And is that a tattoo?" Bella stared at it with wide eyes before they narrowed.

"Bella." Alexandra looked in between the two, feeling slightly uncomfortable and awkward. "I thought you were too sick to come outside! Or pick up the phone when I call." She yelled at him while Alexandra nodded, agreeing with Bella. "Go away." Alexandra's eyes widened as Bella's angry expression was wiped clear off her face. "What?" Both her and Alexandra asked in disbelief.

"Go away." Jacob demanded, repeating himself. "What happened to you? What's wrong?!" Bella asked when Jacob tried to walk away, grabbing his arm. "Hey! What happened?" She asked as she looked at him, different emotions running through her all at once. "Did Sam get to you? Is that's what happening?" Alexandra looked over at Bella in confusion. "Sam? What do you mean?" They both ignored Alexandra's questions.

"Sam's trying to help me, don't blame him." Alexandra let out an annoyed huff as she looked down at her plant, shivering from how cold she was. "But if you want somebody to blame, how about those filthy bloodsuckers you love. The Cullens." He spat out, Alexandra only getting more confused. "I don't know what you're talking about." Bella denied as she glanced at Alexandra. "No, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Jacob called out her lie.

"You've been lying to everyone! Charlie, Alexandra." Alexandra's eyebrows raised as she looked at Bella expectantly. "But you can't lie to me. Not anymore." Alexandra threw a glare at Jacob for how rude he was being. They all looked over as Sam called out Jacob's name, his little group behind him. "Look, Bella, we can't be friends anymore. Neither can we Alexandra." He told the two as he seemed like he was in a rush to get to Sam.

"Jake, I know that I've been... hurting you, I-it's killing me, it kills me. I just need, maybe, just give me some time or something." Bella pleaded while Jacob shook his head. "Don't. It's not you." He dismissed her. "It's not you, it's me, right? Really?" Bella scoffed at the overused saying while Alexandra glared at Jacob, holding her plant tightly. "It's true, it is me. I'm not... good. I used to be, but not anymore." Alexandra could feel her confusion rise along with her anger.

"It doesn't even matter, this is over." Bella shook her head. "You can't break up with me." Alexandra wanted to throw Jacob off a cliff, he was helping Bella get better, but now he was just making it worse. "I mean. I mean, you're my best friend. You promised me." Bella reminded him desperately. "I know. I promised I wouldn't hurt you, Bella. And this is me keeping that promise. Go home and don't come back or you're gonna get hurt." Jacob told both of them.

"Here's you're fucking plant, Dickhead." Alexandra yelled at him, shoving the plant into his arms as the dirt started to overflow from the rain. Jacob frowned before he turned around and ran off, shielding the plant from rain just as Alexandra did before. "Come on, lets get back in the car." She took Bella's hand and pulled her back to the car, the two getting in and sitting there for a few moments. "I can't believe he just fucking did that." Alexandra cursed as she stared at the spot where Jacob had run off.

Bella sniffled as she wiped away a few tears. "I should beat his ass." Alexandra suddenly remembered what Jacob said and turned to Bella. "What did Jacob mean when he said you were lying to Charlie and I?" It was unusual for her and Bella to keep secrets, yet here they were, with their own big ones. "It's nothing, Lexi. Can we go to this place real quick?" Bella changed the subject as she made her way to the school parking lot.

"Fine, but you have to tell me later."

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