Chapter Thirteen

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Third Person P.O.V

Alexandra sat in the back with Alice, they had just pulled up to the house. "Take Bella inside, I'm going to bring her to Carlisle, he wants to check up on her." Alice moved to the front seat, driving away as Edward brought a sleeping Bella into her house. Alexandra laid down in the back, her side still hurt, but she was getting used to the pain. "We're here." Alice got out of the car right when Carlisle walked up to them.

"What happened, Alexandra?" He asked her as he opened the door, helping her out. "I kicked some vampire ass." She smiled slightly. "I can walk just fine." She moved away from his helping hands and trudged into the home. "I'll take you to my office, I have some medical stuff in there." Alexandra shook her head. "I'm fine." She denied. "Oh really?" He poked her side lightly, making her gasp. "Ow!" She covered her side gently.

"You're not fine, now let me help you." Alexandra gave in and followed him to his office.


"Charlie's coming." Edward his right when Charlie opened the door. "Hey. You okay?" He asked while Bella stared at him. "I'm fine now." Charlie leaned against the door frame. "Dad, you don't have to worry." Charlie narrowed his eyes slightly. "Yeah, well last time you said that you took off, I didn't see you for nearly three days." Bella played with the fabric of her comforter.

"I'm really sorry dad." Sh apologized. "Bella, don't ever do that to me again. Ever. And you're grounded for the rest of your life." Bella breathed in. "Okay." Charlie was about to shut the door, but opened more. "You said Alexandra was with you? She isn't in her room." Bella swallowed nervously. "Uh, Alice had convinced her to stay with her for a bit longer, to get to know each other." Bella came up with the first lie she thought of. "She's grounded too, tell her that when you see her." Charlie then shut the door, going to his own room, Edward emerging back into sight.


"You don't have any fractured or broke ribs, but your side will be bruised pretty badly for a little while, you slammed against the wall and vine too hard." Alexandra nodded. "I can give you some pain medicine, if you would like." Carlisle helped her sit up. "No, I'm fine." Alexandra sighed as she pushed her hair out of her face. "I'm grateful for you checking up on me, but I don't like you, or your family. You guys left Bella, she was a complete wreck, she jumped off a cliff just to see a figure of her imagination."

Carlisle put his hand on Alexandra's shoulder. "We understand, we don't expect you to forgive us or Edward right away. But, it is wonderful to meet you, Alexandra." Alexandra frowned at his kindness. "You make it hard to be mad if you're going to be that kind." She admitted, earning a chuckle out of him. "You should meet my wife, Esme." Carlisle grinned at her, earning a small smile back.

He looked over at the door, listening to something. "Edward and Bella are here, they want to speak with all of us." Alexandra followed him out to the area by the front door, Bella standing on the steps, Edward a few behind her. "You all know what I want." Alexandra raised an eyebrow at her. "And I know how much I'm asking for." Alexandra looked at every in question, confused on what Bella was talking about. "The only thing I can think of for it to be fair is just vote." Alexandra let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Don't do this." Edward tried to plead with her. "Shut up." She told him before turning to Alice. "Alice?" Alice grinned and walked forward, hugging Bella. "I already consider you my sister." Alexandra looked up Edward, silently asking him in her thoughts what Bella was talking about. "Yes." They walked down the last few stairs as they pulled away. "Thank you." Bella turned to Jasper. "It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time."

It clicked in Alexandra's brain and she immediately looked at Bella. "I'm sorry." Rosalie started to give her vote. "I'm sorry to the both of you for how I acted and I'm really grateful that you were brave enough to go and save my brother, but this isn't a life I would've chosen for myself and I wish there would've been someone to vote 'no' for me. So no." Before they could continue on voting, Alexandra had stormed up to Bella and grabbed her arm, pulling her into a separate room.

"Are you insane, Bella?!" She yelled. "You want to be turned into a vampire? Have you even thought it through? What about Charlie, or Renée, or even me! You didn't even ask me once before my thoughts on this." Bella looked down. "It's the only way I can be with Edward." Alexandra shook her head. "No, you can stay human, Bella, being a vampire isn't your only choice." Alexandra grabbed Bella's hands.

"It's the only choice I want." Alexandra felt tears prick her eyes. "Please, don't go against me on this." Alexandra looked down. "Bella, what happens when I grow old and die? Or Charlie and Renée? We'll never be able to see you after you become immortal. Charlie and Renée will grieve over you while I'm stuck knowing the truth." Bella pulled her hands back slightly.

"This decision is about you, Alexandra, it's about Edward and I." Alexandra looked back up. "But you're not thinking of what will happen after you do it, you're so caught up on Edward, who left you in the woods, to think it through! Be smart, Bella, you don't even have a plan." Bella took a step back. "So is your answer a no?" Alexandra shifted her weight on her feet. "Bella..." Alexandra tried to reason. "I thought you were supposed to be my sister, Alexandra." Alexandra's eyes widened as Bella walked out the door.

"I vote hell yeah!" Emmett's voice boomed throughout the house while Alexandra's tears glided down her cheeks. "We can pick a fight with these Voultri another day." Alexandra kept her head down as she walked out of the room, walking past them and grabbing her shoes, ignoring the pain from her side as she started pulling them on. "I already consider you apart of the family, Bella. Yes." Esme smiled kindly at the teenager.

Carlisle walked over to the bottom of the steps, looking up at Edward. "Why are you doing this to me? You know what this means." Alexandra ignored the stares the other Cullens gave, they had heard the argument. "You've chosen to not live without her, which leaves me no choice." Carlisle told him, knowing he read his thoughts. "I won't lose my son." Bella looked up at Alexandra as she spoke.

"Someone bring me back to Charlie's house." She wiped away her tears as she avoided Bella's gaze. "I'll take you." Carlisle turned to her. "Go on outside, I'll get the car." Alexandra nodded, rushing out the door. Bella frowned as she tried to go after Alexandra, but Edward grabbed her arm. "Let her cool off, she won't stay mad for long." Bella nodded as she started to feel the guilt bubble in her stomach.

"I didn't mean to say that."

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